
Sunday, 22 July 2012

Another day recording...


Four Cormorants circled the 'workings' several times before deciding it was OK to land. They landed in the water and immediately started fishing. Working together as a team they dived many times in several areas in the western end of the workings. During the15 minutesor so they weren;t seen to bring and swallow any fish at the surface. They finally gave up and movrdto the gravel bank amongst the gulls to spread their wings to dry. After a short time they flew off. Cormorant should be present more over the coming months, using Tices Meadow to rest and preen after fishing sessions at Badshot Lea Ponds or Tongham GP.
Also new today was a juvenile Great-crested Grede, prehaps the result of successful breeding nearby. It fished in several areas whilst avoiding the resident Coot. It again was not seen to catch a fish. This is only the 22nd record over the past 6 years, first being seen on May 16th 2007 and not being seen since April 16th 2011. So looks no fish or very few survived after most of the water was pumped out during the restoration. Over the coming years there should return with eggs being brought in on the Geese/Ducks feathers.
The last returning winter migrant was a single Common Snipe seen in the meadow behind the 'Bike Pool'. Last seen in the Spring on  April 3rd.
Still some  BREEDING NEWS with a female Mallard with five small ducklings seen in the 'workings' and a pair of Moorhens feeding three small chicks along the River Blackwater.


With the temperature up to 25 degrees todays a few more Butterflies were on the wing. By far the most common Butterfly is still the Ringlet. Several Red Admirals were seen feeding on the Blackberry blossom and Large Whites were seen on the viewing bank with Large Skippers.


A Black & Yellow Longhorn Beetle Rutpela maculata  was seen today and is easy to identify. At least four species of lesser Water Boatmen and four species of Water Beetles were found in the pools but have yet to be identified.

to be continued.....