
Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Sunday June 7th to Tuesday June 9th

Sunday June 7th

John Hunt reported an Oystercatcher, Little Egret, 4 Little Ringed Plover and a Garden Warbler were present first thing. 4 Roe Deer and a Fox were seen in the Meadow. Painted Lady butterflies were also noted.

(c) John Hunt, Black-headed Gull
(c) John Hunt, Common Whitethroat
(c) John Hunt, Common Whitethroat
(c) John Hunt, Painted Lady
Kevin Duncan reported that unfortunately another Black-headed Gull chick has been lost, with 2 more seen in the water. The Lapwing pair who have been attempting to breed on site, the first since 2009, also appear to have failed.

Monday June 8th

No reports.

Tuesday June 9th

No reports.

Sunday, 7 June 2015

Tuesday June 2nd to Saturday June 6th

Tuesday June 2nd

Richard Horton reported that an Oystercatcher was present in the afternoon, along with good numbers of Swifts, House Martins and Sand Martins.

Field Vole and Common Shrew numbers are building.

Wednesday June 3rd

No reports.

Thursday June 4th

Kevin Duncan reported a pair of Shelduck present first thing.

7 immature (1st summer) Mute Swans flew into the workings later in the morning, only to be quickly chased off by the resident (non-breeding) pair. The count of 9 Mute Swans is a new site record.

The Black-headed gull breeding pairs 4 & 5 are now down to 2 chicks each.

~babelgrim reported at least 5 Roe Deer in the Meadow in the morning, with 2 males locking horns.

Friday June 5th

No reports.

Saturday June 6th

John Hunt reported 4 Little Ringed Plover present first thing, and took the following photos this morning:

(c) John Hunt, Chiffchaff

(c) John Hunt, Egyptian Goose
(c) John Hunt, Song Thrush

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Friday May 29th to Monday June 1st

Friday May 29th

Richard Horton reported 2 Ringed Plover in the Meadow in the afternoon.

Saturday May 30th

John Hunt reported an Oystercatcher and 4 Ringed Plover in the Meadow first thing, with Phil Hughes reporting an Oystercatcher and 5 Ringed Plover in the afternnoon.

Unfortunately there has been no sign of the Little Ringed Plover chicks for 3 days now.

(c) John Hunt, Little Ringed Plover
(c) John Hunt, Oystercatcher
(c) John Hunt, Roe Deer

Sunday May 31st

Kevin Duncan reported a good movement of wader species through Tice's Meadow in the morning, with 7 Oystercatchers (a new site record count), 7 Ringed Plover, 2 Sanderling and a flock of large waders that he was unable to identify.

Kevin also reported that the fourth and fifth pairs of breeding Black-headed Gulls have hatched their chicks.

Dave Baker reported 2 adult Mediterranean Gulls flying west over the site at 6pm, with 5 Ringed Plover and 2 Sanderling still present in the evening, along with a Little Egret. Dave also found a juvenile Grass Snake under one of the tin refugia on Horton's Mound.

(c) Dave Baker, Juvenile Grass Snake

Monday June 1st

Kevin Duncan reported that the 7 Ringed Plover were still present first thing, and that the second pair of breeding Black-headed Gulls had sadly lost all 3 of their chicks.

John Hunt reported that 2 Oystercatcher were present in the Works later in the morning, before flying into the Workings.

(c) John Hunt, Oystercatchers
(c) John Hunt, Reed Bunting