
Sunday, 7 June 2015

Tuesday June 2nd to Saturday June 6th

Tuesday June 2nd

Richard Horton reported that an Oystercatcher was present in the afternoon, along with good numbers of Swifts, House Martins and Sand Martins.

Field Vole and Common Shrew numbers are building.

Wednesday June 3rd

No reports.

Thursday June 4th

Kevin Duncan reported a pair of Shelduck present first thing.

7 immature (1st summer) Mute Swans flew into the workings later in the morning, only to be quickly chased off by the resident (non-breeding) pair. The count of 9 Mute Swans is a new site record.

The Black-headed gull breeding pairs 4 & 5 are now down to 2 chicks each.

~babelgrim reported at least 5 Roe Deer in the Meadow in the morning, with 2 males locking horns.

Friday June 5th

No reports.

Saturday June 6th

John Hunt reported 4 Little Ringed Plover present first thing, and took the following photos this morning:

(c) John Hunt, Chiffchaff

(c) John Hunt, Egyptian Goose
(c) John Hunt, Song Thrush

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