
Friday, 10 July 2015

Saturday July 4th to Thursday July 9th

Saturday July 4th

Dave Baker visited in the morning and reported a Marbled White Butterfly in the Meadow and a number of Beautiful Demoiselles along the River Blackwater.

(c) Dave Baker, Six-spot Burnet Caterpillar
(c) Dave Baker, Beautiful Damoiselle
(c) Dave Baker, Ichneumon Wasp species
(c) Dave Baker, Caterpillar
(c) Dave Baker, Poplar Leaf Beetle

Kevin Duncan also visited in the morning and reported 3 Green Sandpiper and 10 Grey Heron. Several Small Red-Eyed Damselflies were seen along the River Blackwater.

Mark Elsoffer & Steve Minhinnick visited in the early evening. 1 Green Sandpiper, 2 Little Ringed Plover, 29 Lapwing and a group of 11 Grey Heron were seen in the Workings & Meadow.

The following broods of young were counted:
- Blue Tit: one brood of 3 in the Woods.
- Blackbird: one brood of 2 in the Woods.
- Starling: a mixed flock of 100 on the margins of the Workings, with at least 20 juveniles.
- Greenfinch: one brood of 3 in the Woods.
- Goldfinch: one brood of 2 in the Woods.
- Whitethroat: a single juvenile in the Woods.
- Common Tern: at least 4 chicks on a tern raft in the Workings.
- Black-headed Gull: 2 chicks on a tern raft in the Workings. 2 single older chicks on the margins of the Workings.
- Coot: three broods of 2, 1 & 1 on the Workings.

A butterfly count around Horton's Mound and through the Woods produced: 1 Speckled Wood, 5 Cabbage White, 2 Marbled White, 4 Ringlet, 2 Small Tortoiseshell, 2 Painted Lady, 1 Small Skipper & 1 Red Admiral.

Several Black-tailed Skimmer Dragonflies were seen in the Woods, and 3 Emperor Dragonflies were seen, 2 in the Woods and 1 along the River Blackwater.

(c) Mark Elsoffer, Emperor Dragonfly
(c) Mark Elsoffer, Black-tailed Skimmer Dragonfly

Sunday July 5th

John Hunt reported 2 Green Sandpiper, 10 Little Ringed Plover, 20+ Lapwing, 8 Common Tern chicks and 2 Black-headed Gull chicks in the Meadow and Workings first thing. One of the Little Ringed Plovers was a juvenile - presumably a migrant. A Kingfisher was also seen - only the 4th record this year, compared to 9 in the same period last year.

Andy Little visited later in the day and reported 7 Little Ringed Plover and 2 Green Sandpiper.

A Common Sandpiper was reported via the Surrey Bird Club News service.

(c) Grim Styles, Evening Primrose
(c) Grim Styles, Fasciated Thistle
(c) Grim Styles, Purple Loosestrife
(c) Grim Styles, Knot Grass Caterpillar

Monday July 6th

John Hunt reported 4 Green Sandpipers, 1 Common Sandpiper and 6+ Little Ringed Plovers in the Workings first thing, with 2 Red Kite and 2 Common Buzzard over.

(c) John Hunt, Pupating Ladybird
(c) John Hunt, Pupating Ladybird
(c) John Hunt, Hover-Fly species

Tuesday July 7th

Andy Little reported 2 Green Sandpiper and 1 Common Sandpiper.

Richard Seargent showed the 5th Farnborough (Cranes) Cub Pack around the site this evening. Finding a female Slow Worm and a male Grass Snake were the highlights of their visit. A Gatekeeper Butterfly and good numbers of Emerald Damselflies were also noted.

(c) Richard Seargent, 5th Farnborough (Cranes) Cub Pack

Wednesday July 8th

Richard Horton reported 6 Little Ringed Plover, 2 Green Sandpiper, 1 Common Sandpiper and a Kingfisher. Also reported were 1 Nuthatch and 1 Treecreeper - relatively rare on site.

2 Green Sandpiper and 1 Common Sandpiper were reported via the Surrey Bird Club News service.

Richard Seargent received this great painting he had commissioned of the Wryneck that was found on site in April, by artist Nick Derry.

Thursday July 9th

No reports.

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