
Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Wednesday June 10th to Tuesday June 16th

Note: I've been unable to update the blog for the past few weeks. I hope to catch up over the next few days with a week at a time.

Wednesday June 10th

Kevin Duncan reported that the water level in the Workings is quickly falling and is nearly at the lowest level since the end of 2012.

2 more Black-headed Gull chicks have been lost, leaving 4 remaining from the 12 hatched on the tern rafts.

Thursday June 11th

Mark Elsoffer & Steve Minhinnick reported 4 Teal, 8 Lapwing, 2 Ringed Plover, 3 Little Ringed Plover and 2 Pochard in the Workings. A Hobby was seen flying through the Woods. Circa 450 Starlings were seen feeding on the far bank of the Workings - a new site record count. 1 Roe Deer was seen in the Meadow.

The following broods of young were counted:

- Blue Tit: one brood of 4 in the Woods.
- Great Tit: one brood of 2 in the Woods.
- Dunnock: one brood of 2 in the Woods.
- Starling: a large mixed flock of circa 450, including at least 250 juveniles.
- Pied Wagtail: one brood of 4 on the margins of the Workings.
- Song Thrush: a single juvenile in the Woods.
- Canada Goose: one brood of 7 in the Works.
- Coot: one brood of 4 in the Silt Ponds.
- Mallard: one brood of 4 in the Workings. 

Kevin Duncan reported that Rose Chafer (Cetonia aurata) has been added to the pan-species list, which now stands at 780 species.

Friday June 12th

No reports.

Saturday June 13th

A work party was held this morning and successfully repaired the yurt next to Horton's Mound, repaired the fence around the Plant Yard and removed some invasive Willow from the Reedbed.

Dave Baker reported 3 Teal (2 male & 1 female) on the pool in the Meadow.

(c) John Hunt, Long-tailed Tit

Sunday June 14th

John Hunt reported 3 Little Ringed Plover, 4 Lapwing and a Little Egret present in the Meadow first thing. Only 3 Black-headed Gull chicks remaining on the tern rafts.

Dave Baker reported 3 Teal (2 male & 1 female) in the Bike Pool.

(c) John Hunt, Blackbird
(c) John Hunt, Juvenile Coot

(c) - John Hunt, Grey Heron
(c) Dave Baker, Bee
(c) Dave Baker, Bee
(c) Dave Baker, Rose Chafer Beetle (Cetonia aurata)
(c) Dave Baker, Red Poplar Leaf Beetle (Chrysomela populi)
(c) Dave Baker, Painted Lady Butterfly

Monday June 15th

No reports.

Tuesday June 16th

(c) Grim Styles, Black & Yellow Longhorn Beetle (Rutpela Maculata)
(c) Grim Styles, Scorpion Fly (Panorpa communis)

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