Note: I've been unable to update the blog for the past few weeks. I hope to catch up over the next few days with a week at a time.
Wednesday June 17th
John Hunt reported 5 Little Ringed Plover and 18 Lapwing present in the Workings first thing, as well as a number of Painted Lady butterflies on the wing.
Richard Seargent reported that at least 2 Painted Lady butterflies were seen in the evening.
(c) John Hunt, Great Crested Grebe |
(c) John Hunt, Greenfinch |
(c) John Hunt, Robin |
Thursday June 18th
Andy Little reported 2 Redshank and 5 Little Ringed Plover in the Meadow.
Friday June 19th
Kevin Duncan reported that 2 pairs of Common Tern have now hatched chicks, as have Black-headed Gull pairs number 6 & 7.
Saturday June 20th
Kevin Duncan reported a Curlew in the Meadow in the afternoon. Common Tern pairs number 3, 4 & 5 have now hatched chicks, with 7 more nesting pairs yet to hatch.
Richard Seargent reported 5 Egyptian Geese in the Meadow, and a minimum of 14 Lapwing, mainly in the Plant Yard.
Sunday June 21st
John Hunt reported 2 Curlew and 2 Green Sandpiper in the Meadow first thing.
(c) John Hunt, Curlew |
(c) John Hunt, Pied Wagtail |
Monday June 22nd
Kevin Duncan reported that juvenile Black-headed Gulls that have bred off-site are now beginning to arrive at Tice's Meadow. Also present was colour-ringed Black-headed Gull "White; 26N5", rung at Hosehill (Berkshire) in 2014.
Tuesday June 23rd
Dave Baker reported a fledgling Whitethroat in the Woods in the evening.
(c) Dave Baker, Whitethroat Fledgling |
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