
Friday, 15 January 2016

Friday January 1st to Friday January 15th

Flickr Group

We now have a Flickr Group for photos taken at Tice's Meadow:

If you use Flickr and take photos at Tice's Meadow, please feel free to join the group and share the photos with us. If you're not a Flickr user you can still check out all the photos in the group.

Alex Potts' Macro-Photography

Alex Potts, a photographer at the Badshot Lea Kiln Studio, recently got in touch and sent us these excellent photos taken on site last July.

(c) Alex Potts - Ringlet
(c) Alex Potts- Speckled Wood
(c) Alex Woods - Small Skipper
(c) Alex Potts - Damselfly
(c) Alex Potts - Holly Blue
(c) Alex Potts - Scorpion Fly
(c) Alex Potts - Small Tortoiseshell
(c) Alex Potts - Common Stretch-spider
(c) Alex Potts - Common Stretch-spider
(c) Alex Potts - Nursery Web Spide

Alex also sent us some great landscape photos taken on site in December 2015.

(c) Alex Potts
(c) Alex Potts
(c) Alex Potts

Friday January 1st

Richard Seargent reported a Green Sandpiper, a Common Sandpiper, 5 Snipe and a Little Egret this morning.

Mark Elsoffer and Steve Minhinnick reported 70 Lapwing, a Great Crested Grebe, 3 Grey Heron, 15 Wigeon, 9 Gadwall, 30 Shoveler, 100 Teal, 14 Mallard, 4 Pochard, 12 Tufted Duck, 14 Mute Swan, a Yellow-legged Gull (adult), 44 Redwing and 2 Lesser Redpoll this afternoon.

Dave Baker took this photo of Blackthorn in blossom - a consequence of the unseasonably mild weather we've seen this winter.

(c) Dave Baker - Blackthorn in Blossom

Saturday January 2nd

Richard Seargent reported 6 Green Sandpiper, 5 Snipe and a Yellow-legged Gull (adult) this morning.

In addition, "Tuffyandtab" reported 200 Lapwing, 10 Wigeon, 10 Gadwall, 10 Pochard, 35 Shoveler and 30 Teal today.

Sunday January 3rd

Richard Seargent reported 4 Snipe, a Jack Snipe and a Peregrine this morning.

Monday January 4th

John Hunt reported 2 Green Sandpiper, a Common Sandpiper, 100 Lapwing, 100+ Teal, 20+ Wigeon, 20+ Shoveler, 8 Pochard and 3 Stonechat this morning.

In addition, Murray Nurse reported a Kingfisher, a Blackcap (female) and a small flock of Redwing today.

Tuesday January 5th

Carey Lodge reported 2 Green Sandpiper, a Common Sandpiper and a Red Kite today.

Wednesday January 6th

No reports.

Thursday January 7th

No reports.

Friday January 8th

Dave Carlsson reported 3 Green Sandpiper, a Common Sandpiper and a Buzzard today.

Saturday January 9th

No reports.

Sunday January 10th

John Hunt reported 3 Green Sandpiper, a Common Sandpiper, 70 Lapwing, 100+ Teal, 20 Wigeon, 14 Shoveler, 5 Egyptian Goose, a Stonechat, 10+ Linnet, 2 Meadow Pipit, a Kestrel and a Sparrowhawk this morning.

(c) John Hunt - Meadow Pipit

Monday January 11th

No reports.

Tuesday January 12th

No reports.

Wednesday January 13th

No reports.

Thursday January 14th

No reports.

Friday January 15th

John Hunt reported a Green Sandpiper, a Common Sandpiper, a Little Egret, 60+ Wigeon and 2 Stonechat this morning.

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