
Monday, 29 February 2016

BVCT's 2016 Appeal - Stag Beetles

Our friends at the Blackwater Valley Countryside Trust have announced their appeal for 2016 - to create a network of Stag Beetle habitats throughout the valley so Stag Beetle populations do not become isolated. 

Full details on the BVCT website - the below information is copied from their site: 


Stag Beetles are a priority species for the UK. We are lucky to have a good population in the Blackwater Valley and we want to ensure that this remains so in the future.

The larvae are long lived but the adults do not move far from where they emerge. The males can fly up to 500m but most females travel no more than 20m. Stag Beetles need dead wood to lay their eggs and their larvae feed on the rotting wood. This is becoming a problem as valuable habitat is being lost to wildlife as parks & gardens are tidied up.

The BVCT's targets are:
  • Build 50 new breeding sites in the Blackwater Valley using existing dead wood.
  • Build at least one Log Pyramid (sometimes know as a “stumpery”) every kilometre or 10ha of woodland.
  • Get local groups involved to build log pyramids on their sites e.g. local conservation areas, schools’ grounds & private back gardens They will all help to achieve our targets.
  • Record all known Stag Beetle locations in the Blackwater Valley. BVCP staff and Volunteers can fill in the gaps on the sites BVCP manages.
  • Produce a report on Stag Beetles locations & sightings in the Valley. This will map the current populations in the Valley and also contribute towards national figures compiled by PTES (People’s Trust for Endangered Species).

There are several ways you can support the BVCT's Appeal
  • Let us know of existing Stag Beetle habitats in the Valley.
  • Let us have your Stag Beetle sightings [ID note: Stag Beetles are smooth and shiny]
  • Build one or more Log Pyramids …Log Pyramid leaflet [Logs are available – Please ask if you need some]
  • Let us know the locations of your new Log Pyramids
  • Make your garden Stag Beetle friendly …Stag Beetle leaflet
  • Tell your friends and get them involved too!
  • Donate at Blackwater Valley Countryside events or on BVCT website.
(c) BVCP, Stag Beetle Stumpery
(c) Ross Bower (PTES), Male & Female Stag Beetles


The Tice's Meadow Bird Group are committed to supporting this worthwhile appeal. We shall:
  • Build at least 2 new stumperies on site - we already have 1.
  • Encourage visitors to report all Stag Beetle sightings to us so we can forward to the BVCT.
  • Publicise the appeal through our website and social media presence.

Details of when we will building our new stumperies will be published soon. All will be welcome to come along and help.

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