
Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Tice's Meadow Spring BioBlitz - An Update

A reminder that the Tice's Meadow Bird Group are holding our annual Spring BioBlitz over the weekend of April 29th to May 1st.

Some of the regulars will be camping on site all weekend. A programme of birdwatching walks, bat detecting, small mammal trapping, moth trapping and bird-ringing demonstrations has been scheduled for the weekend. All are welcome to join us.

Since the initial announcement, we are delighted to confirm that the following organisations will be in attendance:

Surrey Bird Club

The Surrey Bird Club is a society of people interested in wild birds in the county of Surrey, England. Members include professional ornithologists, amateurs of every stature, bird watchers and others who care about the future of birdlife in the county. The club was founded in 1957 and became a registered charity in 1967.

The Surrey Bird Club has generously offered to contribute financially to the costs of running the BioBlitz.

Surrey BTO Rep

Penny Williams is the British Trust for Ornithology representative for Surrey. The BTO is an independent charitable research institute combining professional and citizen science aimed at using evidence of change in wildlife populations, particularly birds, to inform the public, opinion-formers and environmental policy- and decision-makers. 

Please check out Penny's latest newsletter which features Tice's Meadow.

Blackwater Valley Countryside Partnership

Work in the Blackwater Valley is co-ordinated by the Blackwater Valley Countryside Partnership on behalf of the local authorities that border the Valley.

 Our general aims for the Valley are as follows:
  • Maintenance of the Valley as an open gap with enhanced landscape
  • Wildlife conservation
  • Improved quality of the River Blackwater
  • Recreation and access as the major use of the Valley
  • Co-ordination of recreation and conservation initiatives
  • Use of the Valley for sustainable transport links

Blackwater Valley Countryside Trust

The BVCT is a registered charity working for the conservation, protection and improvement of the Blackwater Valley. It aims to enhance the environment for both people and wildlife by:
  • Promoting public access to the countryside by means of a programme of events, including walks and talks
  • Identifying improvement projects and raising funds to progress them
  • Encouraging volunteers to assist with projects

Army Ornithological Society

Roger Dickey, Chairman of the Army Ornithological Society, BTO licensed bird ringer and valued friend of Tice's Meadow, will be trapping and ringing birds on site all weekend. Roger's ringing demonstrations last year were the highlight for many of the visitors. An excellent opportunity to see birds in the hand and learn about the intricacies of ageing and sexing them.

Please see the attached images for further details. We hope to see you there!

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