
Friday, 27 May 2016

Friday May 6th to Thursday May 26th

Annual Report

Our 2015 Annual Report is now back from the printers. Please see the attached for how you can order a full colour, glossy, A4 hardcopy.

Archie Kerr's BioBlitz Blog

Young Archie Kerr has written this excellent blog of his adventures at our Spring BioBlitz. Well done Archie!

Bird Ringing Recoveries

During the Spring BioBlitz bird ringing, Roger Dickey (and helpers) trapped 3 birds that had been previously caught and ringed. We have recently heard back from the BTO and the details for the 3 are:

Reed Warbler - Y932855
Ringed at Icklesham, East Sussex on 28-Aug-2012 as a juvenile by Rye Bay Ringing Group, 1341 days previously, 105 km away. Processed by Roger Dickey on 30th April.
Great Tit - R201449   
Ringed at Tice’s Meadow on 20-Oct-2012 as an adult by T J Chinn, 1288 days previously. Processed by Mark Cutts on 30th April.
Blue Tit - R201455
Ringed at Tice’s Meadow on 20-Oct-2012 as a juvenile by T J Chinn, 1289 days previously. Processed by Laura Robertson on 1st May.

One of the birds ringed by Roger (and helpers) during the Spring BioBlitz has subsequently been found dead. The finder ID'd it as a Blue Tit but it was actually a Great Tit, and thankfully noticed the ring and contacted the BTO with the details:
Great Tit - Z561618 
Ringed at Tice’s Meadow on 30 Apr 2016 as a second year bird by Mark Cutts. 
Found dead by Hazel Mears, 52 Morland Road, Aldershot, Hampshire , GU11 3SF (385m away), 15 days later on 15 May.

Note: Sightings of breeding protected and/or sensitive species will not be reported during breeding season.

Friday May 6th

Graham King reported 3 Common Sandpiper, 2 Dunlin and 2 Greenshank this morning.

In addition, Jon Jordan reported a Red Kite and a Spotted Flycatcher in the big willows by the main entrance today.

Spotted Flycatcher is the 126th species recorded on site this year. This is only the 8th recorded sighting of Spotted Flycatcher on site.

Saturday May 7th

Dave Baker reported 2 Greenshank and a Hobby this morning.

(c) Graham King - Greenshank

Sunday May 8th

John Hunt reported a Greenshank and a Stonechat this morning.

Richard Seargent reported at least 60 House Sparrow - a new site record count.

Richard also reported that at least one pair of Garden Warbler are breeding on site.

Grim Styles found a new species for Tice's Meadow today: Three-cornered Leek (Allium triquetrum), growing by the stream on the island. This is the 996th species recorded at Tice's Meadow

(c) John Hunt - Greenshank
(c) John Hunt - Greenshank
(c) Richard Seargent - Garden Warbler
(c) Richard Seargent - House Sparrow
(c) Grim Styles - Three-cornered Leek

Monday May 9th

Graham King reported 6 Common Sandpiper, a Lapwing, a Pochard and a Buzzard today.

In addition, Richard Horton reported 2 Garden Warbler and a Nuthatch today.

In addition, Andy Little reported 2 Greenshank today.

Tuesday May 10th

Allan Goddard reported 2 Common Sandpiper, a Greenshank and an Oystercatcher this afternoon.

In addition, Richard Horton reported 2 Arctic Tern this afternoon.

In addition, Kevin Duncan reported a Red-legged Partridge and 2 Black Tern this evening.

Oystercatcher is the 127th species recorded on site this year.

Arctic Tern is the 128th species recorded on site this year. This is only the 14th recorded sighting of Arctic Tern on site.

Black Tern is the 129th species recorded on site this year. This is only the 5th recorded sighting of Black Tern on site.

Wednesday May 11th

Kevin Duncan reported a Black Tern this morning.

In addition, Dave Baker reported a Common Sandpiper, a Dunlin and a Teal this morning.

In addition, Richard Horton reported a Lapwing, a Raven, a Buzzard and a Red Kite today.

(c) John Hunt - Black Tern
(c) John Hunt - Green Woodpecker
(c) Dave Carlsson - Black Tern
(c) Dave Carlsson - Black Tern

Thursday May 12th

Dave Baker reported a Black Tern this morning.

In addition, Graham King reported 2 Common Sandpiper and a Yellowhammer today.

In addition, Andy Little reported 12 Great Crested Grebe today.

(c) Dave Baker - Brimstone Egg

Friday May 13th

Murray Nurse reported a Greenshank this afternoon.

In addition, Richard Horton reported 12 Great Crested Grebe this afternoon..

In addition, Andy Little reported 2 Greylag Goose and 4 Egyptian Goose today.

Saturday May 14th

Dave Baker reported a Reed Warbler this morning.

In addition, Ed Stubbs reported a Nightingale, a Garden Warbler and 15 Common Tern today.

Colin Taylor reported a Bank Vole in the undergrowth by the Badshot Lea Road entrance today.

In support of the Blackwater Valley Countryside Trust's 2016 Stag Beetle Appeal, the Tice's Meadow Volunteers met on site and built a stumpery this morning.

(c) John Hunt - Common Frog
(c) John Hunt - Unknown Leech Species
(c) John Hunt - Stumpery
(c) Phil Hughes - Volunteers Building Stumpery
(c) Phil Hughes - Volunteers Building Stumpery
(c) Phil Hughes - Volunteers Building Stumpery
(c) Phil Hughes - Volunteers Building Stumpery

Sunday May 15th

John Hunt reported a Common Sandpiper this morning.

In addition, Andy Little reported 2 Pochard today.

(c) John Hunt - Reed Bunting
(c) John Hunt - Reed Bunting

Monday May 16th

Graham King reported a drake Garganey this morning.

In addition, Richard Horton reported a Lapwing and 12 Great Crested Grebe today.

Garganey is the 130th species recorded on site this year. This is only the 5th recorded sighting of Garganey on site.

(c) Phil Hughes - Garganey
(c) Phil Hughes - Garganey

Tuesday May 17th

Dave Carlsson reported a drake Garganey this morning.

In addition, Allan Goddard reported a Little Egret today.

In addition, Graham King reported a Lapwing today.

In addition, Grim Styles reported a Nightingale today.

(c) Dave Carlsson - Garganey
(c) Dave Carlsson - Garganey
(c) Dave Carlsson - Reed Warbler

Wednesday May 18th

Kevin Duncan reported a drake Garganey this morning.

Thursday May 19th

John Hunt reported a drake Garganey this morning.

(c) John Hunt - Roe Deer
(c) Dave Carlsson - Garganey
(c) Dave Carlsson - Garganey
(c) Dave Carlsson - Garganey

Friday May 20th

Graham King reported a drake Garganey this morning.

In addition, Richard Horton reported 4 Snipe and 2 Lapwing today.

(c) Graham King - Roe Deer

Saturday May 21st

Dave Baker reported a drake Garganey this morning.

In addition, Graham King reported 200+ Swift today.

Sunday May 22nd

Kevin Duncan reported a drake Garganey this morning.

In addition, John Hunt reported 2 Little Egret this morning.

In addition, Neil Bew reported 4 Gadwall, 14 Common Tern, 40 Sand Martin and 200 Swift today.

(c) Kevin Duncan - Dark Bush Cricket, Nymph Stage
(c) John Hunt - Fox
(c) John Hunt - Garganey
(c) Kev Campbell - Red Kite
(c) Kev Campbell - Sparrowhawk

Monday May 23rd

Kevin Duncan reported a drake Garganey this morning.

(c) Kevin Duncan - Blood-vein Moth

Tuesday May 24th

Mark Elsoffer reported 6 Gadwall, 6 Mute Swan, 8 Great Crested Grebe, 12 Common Tern and 250 Swift this morning.

Mark reported that 2 broods of Canada Geese were present, one of 4 and one of 5.

Mark also reported that a brood of 4 Egyptian Geese was also present.

Wednesday May 25th

Lyndsay and Alex Rowland reported 3 Grass Snakes, lots of Slow Worms and a juvenile newt (either Smoot or Palmate).

(c) Lyndsay & Alex Rowland - Juvenile Newt
(c) Lyndsay & Alex Rowland - Juvenile Newt
(c) Lyndsay & Alex Rowland - Grass Snakes
(c) Lyndsay & Alex Rowland - Grass Snake

Thursday May 26th

No reports.

Friday, 6 May 2016

Tuesday April 26th to Thursday May 5th

Annual Report

Our 2015 Annual Report is now back from the printers. Please see the attached for how you can order a full colour, glossy, A4 hardcopy.

Horton-Hay Cup

For a bit of fun, and to add a competitive nature to our birding, Neil Randon (of Holmethorpe Sandpits fame) and Mark Elsoffer have decided to launch the "Horton-Hay Cup" - an annual fun competition between Holmethorpe Sandpits and Tice's Meadow which will be awarded to the site recording the most bird species each year. Read more about it on Neil's always entertaining blog.

Late News

A colour-ringed Mute Swan has been on site since at least April 18th. "T029" was ringed as a nestling on 02/09/12 at Winchester College. Last reported on the River Kennet in Reading in July 2013.

(c) Kevin Duncan - T029
Dave Baker spotted a BTO metal ringed Mute Swan (W33857) on the Silt Pond on April 25th. This was ringed on 28/09/2012 by the Edward Grey Institute on the Thames at Reading.

Tuesday April 26th

Tony Cummins reported a Common Sandpiper, 3 Tufted Duck, 5 Mute Swan, a Common Tern, 150 Sand Martin, 4 Swallow, 4 Blackcap and 2 Red Kite this morning.

In addition, Richard Horton reported 2 Little Egret, a Mediterranean Gull, a Yellow Wagtail, a Hobby and a Red Kite this morning.

In addition, Murrary Nurse reported 2 Buzzard, a Kestrel and a Sparrowhawk this afternoon.

Richard Horton lead a guided walk on site today for members of the Farnham U3A.

Wednesday April 27th

Andy Little reported a Common Sandpiper, 2 Common Tern, a Little Egret, a Reed Warbler and a Sedge Warbler today.

In addition, Dave Baker reported a Garden Warbler this morning.

Grim Styles reported that the seedlings for the forthcoming experimental crop to be planted at Tice's Meadow are coming along well at Bell's Piece.

(c) Grim Styles - Seedlings

Unfortunately the newly rebuilt Yurt (aka Grim's Bender) was vandalised overnight, a sad downside of having a nature reserve next to a housing estate full of feral children.

(c) Dave Baker - Vandalised Yurt
(c) Mark Leitch - Garden Warbler

Thursday April 28th

Kevin Duncan reported 5 Common Sandpiper this morning.

In addition, Richard Horton reported a Mandarin (female) this morning.

In addition, John Rowland reported a Little Egret this morning.

Mandarin is the 122nd species recorded on site this year. This is only the 4th recorded sighting on site.

(c) Richard Seargent - Blackcap
(c) Richard Seargent - Blackcap
(c) Richard Seargent - Blackcap
(c) Richard Seargent - Blackcap
(c) John Rowland - Chiffchaff
(c) John Rowland - Chiffchaff

Friday April 29th - BioBlitz Day 1

Over the weekend of Friday April 29th to May 1st, the Tice's Meadow Bird Group held their second annual 48-hour BioBlitz.

14 people camped on site over the weekend, with catering expertly provided by Richard Horton & Dave Baker (Saturday morning fry-up), Dave Baker (Saturday night curry) and Andy Little (Sunday morning bacon rolls).

A welcome addition to the facilities this year was a portaloo kindly sponsored by the Surrey Bird Club.

Stalls were set up by the Tice's Meadow Bird Group, Surrey Bird Club, BTO, Blackwater Valley Countryside Trust and Blackwater Valley Community Partnership.

Bird ringing was conducted all weekend by Roger Dickey (Army Ornithological Society), Mark "Slasher" Cutts (Royal Navy Birdwatching Society) and Laura Robertson.

Small mammal trapping was conducted over the weekend by Bernard Baverstock and his helpers from the Surrey Mammal Group.

A bat walk was lead on Saturday night by Steve Bailey of the BVCP.

Over 90 members of the public attended over the weekend and a good time was had by all. See you again in 2017!

61 bird species were seen on the first day of the BioBlitz, with the highlights being:

2 Common Sandpiper, a Green Sandpiper, 2 Dunlin, a Snipe, a Little Egret, a Teal, a Greylag Goose, a Yellow-legged Gull (3cy), 12 Common Tern, a Kingfisher, 2 Grey Wagtail, 2 Yellow Wagtail, 2 Stonechat, a Garden Warbler, 3 Wheatear, 10 Sedge Warbler, 3 Reed Warbler, a Pheasant, a Tawny Owl, 4 Buzzard, 2 Kestrel, a Sparrowhawk and 2 Red Kite.

Tawny Owl is the 123rd species recorded on site this year. This is only the 8th recorded sighting on site.

The count of 10 Sedge Warbler is a new site record count.

So many excellent photos were taken over the course of the weekend. Please make sure you check out these Facebook galleries for a flavour of the wildlife and socialising (note - you will need to be logged into Facebook to be able to view them):

Shaun Ferguson's BioBlitz Gallery
Mark Elsoffer's BioBlitz Gallery
Rich Mooney's BioBlitz Gallery
Andy Little's BioBlitz Gallery

(c) Mark Elsoffer - Horton Exhibition Center
(c) Mark Elsoffer - Tice's Meadow Bird Group Display
(c) Mark Elsoffer - Horton's Mound
(c) Mark Elsoffer - Guided Bird Walk
(c) Mark Elsoffer - Long-tailed Tit

Saturday April 30th - BioBlitz Day 2

Birding highlights from day 2 included:

A Common Sandpiper, 2 Little Egret, a Lapwing, 2 Teal, 5 Common Tern, 3 Yellow Wagtail, a Garden Warbler, a Lesser Whitethroat, a Bullfinch, 5 Buzzard, a Sparrowhawk, 2 Red Kite, 2 Kestrel, a Hobby and a Peregrine.

4 students flying a drone on the far-side of the Workings were evicted by the Tice's Defence Force that evening. If you see anyone flying drones, or conducting any other activities detrimental to the wildlife on site, please let us know asap.

Grim Styles, once again, did sterling work rebuilding his Yurt after it was vandalised.

(c) Grim Styles - Before
(c) Grim Styles - After
(c) Dave Carlsson - Blackbird
(c) Sean Foote - Smooth Newt
(c) Sean Foote - Smooth Newts, Toads and Leopard Slug
(c) Keith Kerr - Large Red Damselfly
(c) Keith Kerr - Red Kite Soaring on Thermals from Jim's Fire
(c) Roland Weller - Whitethroat
(c) Roland Weller - Reed Bunting
(c) Roland Weller - Sedge Warbler
(c) Lynne Millard - Fox Caught on Camera Trap

Sunday May 1st - BioBlitz Day 3

Birding highlights from day 3 included:

A Common Sandpiper, a Green Sandpiper, a Tufted x Pochard Hybrid, 4 Teal, 8 Common Tern, a Red-legged Partridge, a White Wagtail, 3 Yellow Wagtail, a Lesser Whitethroat, a Rook, a Wheatear, 2 Garden Warbler, a Siskin, a Lesser Redpoll, 4 Buzzard, 2 Red Kite, 2 Kestrel, a Sparrowhawk and 2 Hobby.

This is only the 5th recorded sighting of Red-legged Partridge on site.

Rook is the 124th bird species recorded on site this year.

Pan Species List Update
9 new species were identified over the course of the BioBlitz weekend, taking the Pan Species List to 995:

Yellow Slug (Limax flavus) - Sean Foote.
A Leaf-miner Moth (Stigmella aurella) - Keith Kerr & Sean Foote.
Large Bee Fly (Bombylius major) - Keith Kerr.
An Alderfly (Sialis lutaria) - Keith Kerr.
A Leaf-miner Moth (Elachista rufocinerea) - Archie Kerr.
Horse-chestnut Leaf Miner (Cameraria ohridella) - Keith Kerr.
A Leafhopper (Mocydia crocea) - Keith Kerr.
A Non-biting Midge (Psectrotanypus varius) - Archie Kerr.
A Springtail (Pogonognathellus longicornis) - Keith Kerr & Sean Foote.

(c) Keith Kerr - A Leaf-miner Moth (Elachista rufocinerea)
(c) Keith Kerr - A Leafhopper (Mocydia crocea)
(c) Keith Kerr - Archie Kerr, Top Birder
(c) Murray Nurse - Slow Worm
(c) Richard Seargent - Army Ornithological Society Members
(c) Richard Seargent - Blackbird
(c) Richard Seargent - Roe Deer
(c) Richard Seargent - Starling
(c) Mark Elsoffer - Final Count, Bird Species
(c) Mark Elsoffer - Final Count, Non-Bird Species

Monday May 2nd

No reports.

Tuesday May 3rd

John Hunt reported 2 Wood Sandpiper, a Garden Warbler and a Yellow Wagtail this morning.

In addition, Andy Little reported a Common Sandpiper, 6 Common Tern and a Buzzard today.

Wood Sandpiper is the 125th species recorded on site this year. This is only the 18th recorded sighting on site.

The count of 2 Wood Sandpiper is a new site record.

(c) John Hunt - Garden Warbler
(c) John Hunt - Garden Warbler
(c) Dave Carlsson - Garden Warbler
(c) Dave Carlsson - Wood Sandpipers

Wednesday May 4th

Dave Baker reported 17 Common Tern and a Whinchat (female) this afternoon.

In addition, Richard Horton reported a Garden Warbler, 7 House Martin and 20 Swift today.

Dave also reported the first juvenile Starlings of the year today.

Thursday May 5th

Dave Baker reported 2 Greenshank this morning.