
Saturday, 6 August 2016

Friday July 15th to Friday August 5th

Annual Report

Our 2015 Annual Report is now back from the printers. Please see the attached for how you can order a full colour, glossy, A4 hardcopy.

Pan Species List

In order to ensure the future protection and enhancement of the site, the Tice's Meadow Bird Group maintain a “Pan-species List” of every species recorded on site. This list provides a quantifiable indicator of the site's bio-diversity and will be useful in fighting any future development plans that may threaten the site.

As of July 14th, 1,011 species have been recorded on site, broken down as:

Note: The Surrey Birders website is currently down so there may be some sightings missing from this update.

Friday July 15th

No reports.

Saturday July 16th

Graham King reported a Common Sandpiper, 4 Green Sandpiper and a Hobby today.

In addition, Graham reported seeing a "large, dark bird, very high and very distant, which may have been the Black Stork reported earlier in the day further up the Blackwater Valley, near Farnborough Airport".

Sunday July 17th

Kevin Duncan reported that the breeding pair of Great Crested Grebes have hatched a single chick.

Kevin Duncan reported a new species for Tice's Meadow:
Mirid Bug - (Deraeocoris ruber)

(c) Kevin Duncan - Fennel
(c) Kevin Duncan - Mirid Bug

Monday July 18th

Murray Nurse reported a Redshank today.

Murray also reported the following butterflies:
Meadow Brown, Gatekeeper, Ringlet, Marbled White, Small/Essex Skipper, Red Admiral, Small Copper and Comma. Silver-washed Fritillary & Small Heath were reported to Murray by other visitors and are both site rarities.

Murray also reported the following dragonflies and damselflies:
Blue-tailed Damselfly, Common/Azure Damselflies, Banded Demoisel, Emperor, Brown Hawker, Broad-bodied Chaser, Common Darter and Southern Hawker.

Tuesday July 19th

No reports.
(c) Kevin Duncan - Mother of Pearl Moth

Wednesday July 20th

No reports.

Thursday July 21st

Dave Carlsson reported a Common Sandpiper, 2 Green Sandpiper and 2 Red Kite this morning.

Friday July 22nd

The first Wasp Spiders of the year were reported by Richard Horton today.

Saturday July 23rd

No reports.

Sunday July 24th

Mark Elsoffer reported 4 Common Sandpiper, 38 Lapwing, a Kestrel and a Peregrine this afternoon.

The following juvenile birds were recorded by Mark:
- A brood of 4 Mallard young.
- A brood of 5 Mallard young.
- Multiple broods of Common Tern young.

(c) Kevin Duncan - Hoverfly (Epistrophe eligans)
(c) Kevin Duncan - Field Bindweed
(c) Mark Elsoffer - Common Tern mobbing a Peregrine
(c) Mark Elsoffer - Wasp Spider

Monday July 25th

No reports.

Tuesday July 26th

No reports.

Wednesday July 27th

Carey Lodge reported 2 Common Sandpiper this morning.

Carey Lodge reported a new species for Tice's Meadow:
Meadow Vetchling (Lathyrus pratensis)

Richard Horton gave a presentation to the Farnham Weyside branch of the Rotary Club this evening about the work we are conducting at Tice's Meadow. The presentation was well received and a walk on site for Rotary Club members has been arranged for a future date.

(c) Carey Lodge - Meadow Vetchling

Thursday July 28th

John Hunt reported 3 Common Sandpiper and an Oystercatcher this morning.

(c) John Hunt - The Meadow
(c) John Hunt - Speckled Wood
(c) Richard Seargent - Gatekeeper

Friday July 29th

Andy Duncan from Hanson found a Silver-washed Fritillary in the Plant Yard - a rare butterfly for Tice's Meadow, with only a handful of previous sightings. A photograph was taken - awaiting receipt of it.


Saturday July 30th

Richard Seargent reported 3 Common Sandpiper, 4 Green Sandpiper and a Hobby this morning.

Richard also reported a Tufted Duck with 8 young - this is only the 2nd confirmed breeding record on site for this species, the first being in 2014.

A Wryneck was reported by a visting birder from Guildford today. Unfortunately it was not relocated after the report was received. If you were the finder, please could you get in touch so we can get you to submit a rare bird report to the Surrey Bird Club. If accepted, this would be the first record of a Wryneck in Surrey in July and the 2nd site record.

Richard also reported 4 Grass Snakes and lots of Slow Worms under the refugia this morning.

(c) Richard Seargent - Common Blue
(c) Richard Seargent - Common Blue
(c) Richard Seargent - Gatekeeper
(c) Richard Seargent - Grass Snake
(c) Richard Seargent - Purple Loosestrife
(c) Richard Seargent - Slow Worms
(c) Richard Seargent - Speckled Wood
(c) Richard Seargent - Water Mint

Sunday July 31st

Richard Seargent reported 5 Common Sandpiper, 6 Green Sandpiper and a Dunlin this morning.

Richard also reported that the first Teal have returned.

In addition, John Hunt reported a Lesser Whitethroat this morning.
John also reported a number of recently fledged Reed Warblers on site this morning.

Keith Kerr reported 2 new species for Tice's Meadow:
Slender Ground-hopper (Tetrix subulata)
A Micro-Moth (Metalampra italica)

(c) Richard Seargent - Wasp Spider
(c) Richard Seargent - Wasp Spider
(c) John Hunt - Lapwing
(c) John Hunt - Roe Deer
(c) John Hunt - Stock Dove
(c) Michelle Kerr - Common Toad
(c) Keith Kerr - Wasp Spider
(c) Keith Kerr - Wasp Spider

Monday August 1st

No reports.

Tuesday August 2nd

Carey Lodge reported 5 Common Sandpiper, a Green Sandpiper, a Turnstone and a Little Grebe this morning.

Turnstone is the 135th species recorded on site this year. This is only the 10th recorded sighting of Turnstone on site.

(c) Carey Lodge - Turnstone

Wednesday August 3rd

No reports.
(c) Murray Nurse - Southern Hawker
(c) Murray Nurse - Southern Hawker

Thursday August 4th

Mark Elsoffer spent 8 hours on site today and reported 7 Common Sandpiper, 3 Green Sandiper, a Ringed Plover, 17 Lapwing, a Sanderling, a Little Grebe, a Yellow-legged Gull (adult), 4 Teal, 2 Kestrel, 5 Buzzard and 2 Red Kite.

Sanderling is the 136th species recorded on site this year. This is only the 7th recorded sighting of Sanderling on site.

In addition, Kevin Duncan reported a Mediterranean Gull (adult) this evening.

The following juvenile birds were recorded by Mark:
- A brood of 4 Mallard young.
- 5 young Coot on the Workings.
- 3 young Moorhen in the Meadow.
- A brood of 8 Tufted Duck young.
- At least 10 young Common Tern on the islands in the Workings.
- Numerous young Black-headed Gulls that were born on other sites.
- A young Whitethroat in the Woods.
- 4 young Wood Pigeon in the Meadow.
- c40 young Starlings throughout the Meadow.
- c30 young Jackdaws throughout the Meadow.

The following butterflies were reported by Mark:
Comma, Common Blue, Gatekeeper, Small Tortoishell, Small Skipper, Meadow Brown, Ringlet, Large White and Red Admiral.

The following dragonflies & damselflies were reported by Mark:
Banded Demoiselle, Beautiful Demoiselle, Common Blue Damselfly, Emperor, Southern Hawker (x2), Broad-bodied Chaser (x2), Common Darter, and Brown Hawker.

Lots of Slow Worms, Common Lizards and Grass Snakes were present under the refugia. A number of visiting young children had the pleasure of Richard Horton showing them the reptiles, and scaring them with tales of the Wasp Spider's ferocious bite.

Richard Horton and Tony Anderson met on site with Stuart (our new Blackwater Valley Countryside Partnership Ranger) this morning and showed him around the site and welcome him into the Tice's Meadow Team.

(c) Mark Elsoffer - Roesel's Bush Cricket
(c) Mark Elsoffer - Twin-lobed Deerfly
(c) Mark Elsoffer - Common Darter

Friday August 5th

John Hunt reported 3 Common Sandpiper, a Green Sandpiper, 2 Ringed Plover and a Yellow-legged Gull (adult) this morning.

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