
Thursday, 2 February 2017

MPA Photo Competition 2017

The Mineral Products Association (the trade association for the quarrying and related industries) are running their prestigious biennial photo competition.

The competition is open to all volunteers at nature reserves which are former quarries. You don't strictly have to be a volunteer at Tice's Meadow to enter - we class all photographers who document the wildlife at Tice's Meadow as friends of the site.

Photos must be of flora, fauna and/or habitats and taken between January 1st 2016 and August 31st 2017. A maximum of 5 images may be entered by each photographer.

The competition is open until September 1st 2017.

First, second and third prizes will be vouchers for photographic equipment.

The Tice's Meadow Bird Group would love all the excellent photographers who visit Tice's Meadow to enter. Not only can you win some vouchers, it will also provide good publicity for Tice's Meadow.

If you do enter, please could you let us know and copy us in on your emailed entries (

Please see the attached poster for further information.

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