
Friday, 9 June 2017

Thursday May 25th - Friday June 10th

Reporting of Schedule 1 Breeding Birds

From March 19th no Schedule 1 species which may be breeding on site (or other species which we deem to be sensitive) shall be reported publicly. This is for the protection of the birds.

This is in accordance with our Bird Reporting Policy which can be read here.

More information about Schedule 1 birds can be read here. Guidance on photographing Schedule 1 birds can be read here.

Annual Report

The Tice's Meadow 2016 Annual Report can now be downloaded for free from this link:!AuC9nX__kWIggSW-F4MUtWcsifGH

If you would like to buy a glossy, full colour, A4 hardcopy of the report for £15, please email us:

All funds raised from the sale of our annual report are channelled back into projects on the nature reserve.


We now have a dedicated public group on Facebook. Please join and report your sightings and share your news and photographs.

Birdwatching Shelter Planning Application

The planning application for our Birdwatching Shelter on Horton's Mound at Tice's Meadow is now live on Surrey County Council's website.

Public consultation is open until June 13th.

We'd greatly appreciate it if you could take the time to provide a positive comment through the council's planning portal (if you think the shelter is a good idea).

More information here.

Thursday May 25th

No reports.

Friday May 26th

No reports.

Saturday May 27th

Mark Elsoffer reported 4 Ringed Plover, 2 Lapwing, 7 Mallard, a Gadwall, a Teal, 8 Common Tern, c200 Swift, 12 Sand Martin, a House Martin, 3 Swallow and a Red Kite this morning.

Sunday May 28th

John Hunt reported 24 Common Tern and a Garden Warbler this morning.

(c) John Hunt - Wren

Monday May 29th

Mark Elsoffer reported a Ringed Plover, a Lapwing, 8 Mallard, c150 Swift, 4 House Martin, 8 Swallow and 2 Red Kite today.

In addition, Richard Seargent reported the first Reed Bunting fledglings of the year.

(c) John Hunt - Common Tern

Tuesday May 30th

No reports.

Wednesday May 31st

No reports.

Thursday June 1st

No reports.

Friday June 2nd

No reports.

Saturday June 3rd

Mark Elsoffer reported a Dunlin, a Redshank, a Ringed Plover, 4 Lapwing, a Little Egret, 6 Mallard, 3 Gadwall, 26 Common Tern, 24 Swift, 12 Swallow, 2 Red Kite, a Kestrel and 9 Buzzard today.

Mark counted at least 18 pairs of nesting Common Terns and 3 pairs of Black-headed Gulls.

Mark reported 100s of Common Blue Damselflies on the waterbodies on site, and a number of Beautiful and Banded Demoiselles.

(c) Mark Elsoffer - Glorious Morning at Tice's Meadow
(c) Mark Elsoffer - It's Getting Hard to Read the Water Levels in the Workings

Sunday June 4th

John Hunt reported a Dunlin and a Garden Warbler this morning.

(c) John Hunt - Garden Warbler
(c) John Hunt - Juvenile Jay

Monday June 5th

Murray Nurse reported c60 Swift this morning.

Hanson's fencing contractors were on site today extending the fences that have become obsolete due to the worryingly low water levels on site, leading to the cattle having access to the reedbed and islands - where they could disturb nesting birds.

Alan Martin from Nature Conservation Services visited us this evening and demonstrated the use of a "Tree Popper" to remove invasive willow from the reedbed. Alan also demonstrated injection of weedkiller into a few willow stumps. Alan kindly leant us a Tree Popper so we could show the other members and decide whether to buy one or not.

Tuesday June 6th

No reports.

Wednesday June 7th

John Hunt reported a Dunlin, 3 Ringed Plover, a Kestrel and a Red Kite this morning.

Thursday June 8th

No reports.

Friday June 9th

No reports.

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