
Tuesday, 1 August 2017

Monday July 17th to Monday Jul 31st

Reporting of Schedule 1 Breeding Birds

The ban on reporting Little Ringed Plovers (and other nesting schedule 1 species birds) has now been lifted due to the breeding season being judged to be over.

We are pleased to announce that at least 3 pairs of Little Ringed Plover nested at Tice's Meadow this year, and that at least 6 young (2 per pair) are still present on site and seem to be doing well.

Thank you to everyone who complied with our policy of not reporting - it's for the good of the birds.

Criminal Activity on Site

People with shotguns were reported on site recently. If you see anyone on site with a gun, please call 999 immediately (not 101 - which should be use for non-urgent calls only).

Annual Report

The Tice's Meadow 2016 Annual Report can now be downloaded for free from this link:!AuC9nX__kWIggSW-F4MUtWcsifGH

If you would like to buy a glossy, full colour, A4 hardcopy of the report for £15, please email us:

All funds raised from the sale of our annual report are channelled back into projects on the nature reserve.

Late News

The following new species for Tice's Meadow were found and photographed by Murray Nurse in recent weeks and have now been identified by Keith Kerr. Well done Murray, and thanks Keith!

- A Hoverfly (Volucella bombylans).
- A Hoverfly (Cheilosia illustrata).
- Large Rose Sawfly (Arge pagana).
- Narcissus Bulb Fly (Merodon equestris).
- The Footballer Hoverfly (Helophilus pendulus).

(c) Murray Nurse - The Footballer Hoverfly
(c) Murray Nurse - Narcissus Bulb Fly
(c) Murray Nurse - Volucella bombylans
(c) Murray Nurse - Cheilosia illustrata
(c) Murray Nurse - Large Rose Sawfly

Monday July 17th

Richard Horton reported a Green Sandpiper, 4 Dunlin, 15 Lapwing, 2 Greylag Goose, a Nightingale, 4 Hobby and an Osprey (over) this morning.

In addition, Phil Hughes reported 3 Common Sandpiper and a pair of Egyptian Goose with 2 young this evening.

This is only the 5th recorded sighting of Osprey on site, but remarkably the 3rd this year.

Kevin Duncan reported a new species for Tice's Meadow: Kent Black Arches (Meganola albula).

(c) Kevin Duncan - Kent Black Arches

Tuesday July 18th

(c) Murray Nurse - Blue-tailed Damselflies
(c) Murray Nurse - Rose Chafer
(c) Murray Nurse - Bell's Piece Wildflower Meadow
(c) Murray Nurse - Bell's Piece Wildflower Meadow

Wednesday July 19th

John Hunt reported 3 Common Sandpiper and 3 Greenshank this morning.

Murray Nurse identified a new species for Tice's Meadow: Dog Vomit Slime Mould (Fuligo septica).
NB: Murray photographed this slime mould on June 26th, and unable to identify it sent it to a fungi expert, who subsequently identifed it.

(c) John Hunt - Common Sandpiper
(c) John Hunt - Green Woodpecker
(c) Murray Nurse - Dog Vomit Slime Mould

Thursday July 20th

Mark Elsoffer reported 2 Common Sandpiper, a Green Sandpiper, 12 Little Ringed Plover (including 6 juveniles), 31 Lapwing, a Little Egret, 50 Swift, 40 House Martin, 14 Swallow, 5 Buzzard and a Kestrel this morning.

Mark also reported a pair of Egyptian Geese with 3 young, a pair of Moorhen with 1 young and 4 juvenile Common Terns.

Susan Renaud kindly shared a large set of photos taken today on our Facebook group. A selection are shown below. For more great photos of the wildlife found on site, please visit our Facebook group.

(c) Susan Renaud - Six Spot Burnet
(c) Susan Renaud - Common Blue
(c) Susan Renaud - Ringlet
(c) Susan Renaud - Gatekeeper

Friday July 21st

Richard Horton reported a Whimbrel this morning.

This is only the 9th recorded sighting of Whimbrel on site, but the 2nd this year.

Saturday July 22nd

Dave Baker reported a Treecreeper this morning.

This is only the 8th recorded sighting of Treecreeper on site, but the 2nd this year.

(c) Kev Campbell - Young Fox
(c) Kev Campbell - Young Fox

Sunday July 23rd

John Hunt reported 2 Common Sandpiper, a Green Sandpiper, 22 Lapwing, 4+ Little Ringed Plover and a Great Black-backed Gull this morning.

In addition, Richard Horton reported a Hobby (over) this afternoon.

(c) Richard Seargent - Slow Worm & Grass Snake
(c) Richard Seargent - Sloe Berries
(c) Tony George - Common Blue Damselfly
(c) Tony George - Gatekeeper
(c) Tony George - Guelder Rose
(c) Tony George - Bells Piece Wildflower Meadow
(c) Tony George - Wasp Spider
(c) Tony George - Pleated Inkcap
(c) Tony George - Grey Heron

Monday July 24th

Kevin Duncan reported a colour-ringed Common Sandpiper today (left tibia - red ring; right tibia - yellow flag (JTM)). Remarkably, this was the Norwegian ringed bird seen on site in 2014!

This is (still) the only foreign ringed Common Sandpiper to be recorded in Surrey.

19/05/14 - Ringed Stavbergvatnet (Norway) as a male, hatched in 2013 or before.
19/07/14 - Tice's Meadow (Dave Baker).
24/07/17 - Tice's Meadow (Kevin Duncan).

(c) Murray Nurse - Guelder Rose
(c) Murray Nurse - Oak Artichoke Gall
(c) Murray Nurse - Pleated Inkcap
(c) Murray Nurse - Red-tailed Bumblebee
(c) Murray Nurse - Sloes

Tuesday July 25th

Oli reported a Golden-ringed Dragonfly (Cordulegaster boltoniion) today. A site rarity and the first for 2 years.

(c) Richard Horton - Nest boxes ready to be put up on site
(c) Susan Renaud - Banded Demoiselle
(c) Susan Renaud - Long-tailed Tit
(c) Susan Renaud - Red Admiral
(c) Susan Renaud - Ringlet
(c) Susan Renaud - Slow Worm
(c) Susan Renaud - Violet Ground Beetle
(c) Susan Renaud - Wasp Spider
(c) Susan Renaud - Common Darter

Wednesday July 26th

Carey Lodge reported a Kingfisher this morning.

In addition, Andy Little reported a Kestrel with 2 young this evening.

Carey also found a new species for Tice's Meadow: Oak Artichoke Gall Wasp (Andricus fecundator).

(c) Carey Lodge - Oak Artichoke Gall
(c) Carey Lodge - Oak Artichoke Gall
(c) Carey Lodge - Common Blue
(c) Carey Lodge - Red Admiral
(c) Carey Lodge - Common Spangled Gall
(c) Carey Lodge - Oak Knopper Gall
(c) Carey Lodge - Oak Marble Gall

Thursday July 27th

Mark Elsoffer reported 3 Common Sandpiper, a Green Sandpiper, 9 Little Ringed Plover (including 4 juveniles), a Dunlin, 21 Lapwing, a Great Black-backed Gull, a Bullfinch, 6 Swift, 12 Swallow, 30 House Martin, 3 Kestrel (including 2 juveniles), a Peregrine, 5 Buzzard, 3 Red Kite and a Hobby today.

In addition, Steve Chastell reported a Common Gull this morning.

Today's sighting of a Common Gull is the first reported returning bird of the Autumn.

John Hunt reported juvenile Willow Warblers and lots of food carrying Reed Warblers in the Reedbeds.

Mark reported a pair of juvenile Green Woodpeckers, a pair of Egyptian Geese with 2 young, c8 juvenile Pied Wagtails, 2 single juvenile Moorhens and a pair of Moorhens with 4 newly fledged young.

Mark also reported a Clouded Yellow butterfly.

(c) Mark Elsoffer - The Meadow
(c) John Hunt - Common Sandpipers
(c) John Hunt - Kestrel
(c) John Hunt - Juvenile Little Ringed Plover
(c) John Hunt - Reed Warbler
(c) Mark Elsoffer - Green Woodpecker
(c) Mark Elsoffer - Common Terns
(c) Mark Elsoffer - Common Sandpipers
(c) Mark Elsoffer - Roe Deer
(c) Mark Elsoffer - Little Ringed Plover
(c) Mark Elsoffer - Dunlin
(c) Murray Nurse - Common Amber Snail

Friday July 28th

No reports.

Saturday July 29th

John Hunt reported 2 Common Sandpiper (including the ringed bird "JTM") and 5 Little Ringed Plover this morning.

In addition, Dave Baker reported a Peregrine this morning.

Sunday July 30th

John Hunt reported 3 Common Sandpiper (including the ringed bird "JTM"), a Green Sandpiper, 3+ Little Ringed Plover, a Little Egret, 2 Gadwall and a juvenile Stonechat this morning.

In addition, Dave Baker reported 2 juvenile Willow Warbler this morning.

(c) John Hunt - Juvenile Stonechat
(c) Dave Baker - Common Blue
(c) Susan Renaud - Common Toad
(c) Susan Renaud - Slow Worm
(c) Susan Renaud - Common Blue
(c) Susan Renaud - Kestrel
(c) Susan Renaud - Pellucid Fly
(c) Susan Renaud - Roesel's Bush Cricket
(c) Susan Renaud - Small Skipper
(c) Susan Renaud - Wasp Spider

Monday July 31st

(c) Murray Nurse - Dock Bug
(c) Murray Nurse - Grass Snake & Slow Worm
(c) Murray Nurse - Pellucid Fly
(c) Murray Nurse - Violet Ground Beetle
(c) Murray Nurse - Wasp Spider
(c) Murray Nurse - Short-tailed Vole

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