
Sunday, 31 December 2017

Saturday December 23rd to Sunday December 31st


Tice's Meadow 2018 Calendars are now on sale. £8 each, £9.50 inc P&P.

All photos taken on site in 2017. Thanks to our amazing photographers.

Available in person from Mark Elsoffer or Richard Horton, or we can post to you.

Or, email if you'd like us to post one to you upon receipt of payment.

Cash, cheques, PayPal and BACS transfers accepted.

All profits go towards the Tice's Meadow Bird Group's work at Tice's Meadow.

Late News

Murray Nurse recorded a new species for Tice's Meadow:
European Hornet (Vespa crabro)

Murray photographed the hornet on October 27th, and it was recently identified by Keith Kerr.

Saturday December 23rd

Mark Elsoffer reported a Common Sandpiper, a Green Sandpiper, 3 Golden Plover (over), 180 Lapwing, a Snipe, a Little Egret, 24 Teal, 5 Shoveler, 2 Gadwall, 6 Wigeon, 8 Common Gull, 4 Brambling, 19 Greenfinch, 35 Blue Tit, 8 Bullfinch, a Firecrest, 10 Fieldfare, 40 Redwing, a Chiffchaff, 10 Siskin, a Buzzard, a Kestrel and a Sparrowhawk today.

The count of 35 Blue Tit is a new site record count.

The count of 4 Brambling is a new site record count.

The count of 8 Bullfinch is a new site record count.

The count of 19 Greenfinch is a new site record count.

Sunday December 24th

No reports.

Monday December 25th

No reports.

Tuesday December 26th

No reports.

Wednesday December 27th

No reports.

Thursday December 28th

Mark Elsoffer reported a Common Sandpiper, 125 Lapwing, 3 Snipe, 2 Little Egret, 3 Shoveler, 30 Teal, 5 Wigeon, a Common Gull, 22 Redwing, 7 Fieldfare, 6 Siskin, 2 Kestrel and a Peregrine today.

In addition, Murray Nurse reported a Raven and a Stonechat this morning.

One of the Little Egrets is colour ringed - left leg, orange ring "L". Right leg ring not seen. This could possibly be the same bird that was present on site in January.

A Red Admiral butterfly was seen in the reed beds today.

Mark Elsoffer, Andy Little, Oli and Richard Horton spent the whole day cutting and burning willow in the reed beds - well done guys!

(c) Kev Campbell - Canada Goose
(c) Kev Campbell - Greenfinch
(c) Kev Campbell - Little Egret (Colour Ringed)
(c) Kev Campbell - Kestrel
(c) Kev Campbell - Volunteers Hard at Work
(c) Kev Campbell - Volunteers Hard at Work
(c) Tony George - Bullfinch
(c) Tony George - Canada Geese
(c) Tony George - Cormorant
(c) Tony George - Goldfinch
(c) Tony George - Long-tailed Tit
(c) Susan Renaud - Kestrel
(c) Susan Renaud - Mute Swans
(c) Susan Renaud - Robin
(c) Mark Elsoffer - Song Thrush
(c) Mark Elsoffer - Meadow Pipit
(c) Mark Elsoffer - The Oldest Boy Scout
(c) Mark Elsoffer - Refreshments Courtesy of Len
(c) Mark Elsoffer - A Raging Fire
(c) Mark Elsoffer - Andy's Asbestos Stump

Friday December 29th

John Hunt reported a Common Sandpiper, 149 Lapwing, 67 Teal, 33 Wigeon, 3 Shoveler, 2 Stonechat, a Red Kite, a Buzzard and a Kestrel this afternoon.

Saturday December 30th

Mark Elsoffer reported 240 Lapwing, 3 Snipe, 17 Egyptian Goose, 34 Teal, 5 Shoveler, 14 Wigeon, 3 Bullfinch, 12 Redwing, 10 Fieldfare, 2 Kestrel, 3 Buzzard and 2 Red Kite today.

In addition, Steve Minhinnick reported a Water Pipit this morning.

In addition, Richard Horton reported a Water Rail this morning.

Water Pipit is the 144th bird species recorded on site this year.

This is only the 16th recorded sighting of Water Pipit on site.

Mark Elsoffer, Steve Minhinnick, Oli, Tony George, Jim and Richard Horton spent the morning burning willow in the reed beds - well done guys!

(c) Tony George - Buzzard
(c) Tony George - Egyptian Geese
(c) Tony George - Goldfinch
(c) Tony George - Green Woodpecker
(c) Tony George - Kestrel
(c) Mark Elsoffer - Starting a Fire With No Matches
(c) Mark Elsoffer - Volunteers Hard at Work
(c) Mark Elsoffer - Volunteers Hard at Work
(c) Mark Elsoffer - Volunteers Hard at Work

Sunday December 31st

John Hunt reported 150+ Lapwing, a Snipe, a Water Rail, 24 Wigeon, 3 Gadwall, 30+ Teal, a Kestrel and a Buzzard this afternoon.

In addition, Richard Seargent reported 5 Shoveler and a Tufted Duck this morning.

(c) John Hunt - Green Woodpecker
(c) Kev Campbell - Great Tit
(c) Kev Campbell - Dunnock
(c) Kev Campbell - Goldfinch
(c) Kev Campbell - Great Spotted Woodpecker
(c) Kev Campbell - The Workings, Reed Beds and Wheatear Field

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