
Tuesday, 9 January 2018

The Otter Wey

We are delighted to announce that the Tice's Meadow Bird Group will be taking part in the Farnham "Otter Wey" community project in 2018.

Businesses and community groups in Farnham are being asked to decorate and name a 1m high ceramic model otter, which will then be displayed along an art trail through Farnham town centre in conjunction with the Farnham Walking Festival (May to June 2018).

Similar projects have been successfully run in Surrey over recent years, including the Surrey Hills Cow Parade and Hazelmere Hogs.

Otters have been chose as Surrey Wildlife Trust has recently found evidence that otters are returning to the River Wey and they are using the otter to promote their work on river conservation and restoration. They will be running conservation projects and events alongside the Otter Wey project, which we hope to also be involved with.

The project is being run by Blooming Art, in association with Farnham Town Council, Farnham in Bloom, Surrey Wildlife Trust and the Farnham Lions Club.

The completed otters be auctioned at the end of the project, with all proceeds going to 2 local charities chosen by the Mayor of Farnham.

Our participation in the Otter Wey project will help raise awareness of our nature reserve amongst Farnham residents and help us build links with the local community.

We shall be taking delivery of our otter from the Mayor of Farnham very soon.

If you would like to help with the decoration of our otter, or know someone artistic who may be able to assist, please get in touch.

More details on the Otter Wey project can be found here:

A gallery of decorated otters from a similar project in Dartmoor can be found here:

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