
Sunday, 25 February 2018

Monday February 12th to Sunday February 25th

2018 Spring BioBlitz

May 4th to May 6th sees our third annual Spring BioBlitz. Please see the below poster for details. We hope to see you all there!


Quarry Life Awards

You can follow our progress in the Quarry Life Awards on our dedicated blog.

Monday 12th February

Richard Horton reported a Treecreeper this morning.

This is only the 9th recorded sighting of Treecreeper on site.

Treecreeper is the 77th species of bird recorded in 2018.

(c) Phil Hughes - Siskin

Tuesday 13th February

Richard Horton reported a Common Sandpiper, a Snipe, 60 Wigeon, 4 Pochard, 6 Gadwall, 15 Tufted Duck, 13 Teal and a Treecreeper today.

In addition, a visiting birder reported a Dartford Warbler today.

This is only the 8th recorded sighting of Dartford Warbler on site.

Dartford Warbler is the 78th species of bird recorded in 2018.

Wednesday 14th February

No reports.
(c) David Glew - Blue Tit
(c) David Glew - Great Tit
(c) David Glew - Robin
(c) David Glew - Siskin

Thursday 15th February

Leonard Winchcombe reported a Treecreeper and a Nuthatch today.

This is only the 10th recorded sighting of Treecreeper on site.

(c) Mark Elsoffer - Siskin
(c) Mark Elsoffer - Goldcrest
(c) Mark Elsoffer - Long-tailed Tit
(c) Mark Elsoffer - Siskins & Goldfinch
(c) Mark Elsoffer - Siskin
(c) Mark Elsoffer - Robin
(c) Mark Elsoffer - Greenfinches
(c) Mark Elsoffer - Chaffinch
(c) Mark Elsoffer - Great Tit

Friday 16th February

Mark Elsoffer reported a Firecrest this morning.

This is only the 7th reported sighting of Firecrest on site, but the 2nd this year.

3 volunteers put up the last 16 nest boxes on site today, taking the total new & refurbished boxes erected in the past month to 45. These boxes will be part of our new nest box monitoring scheme run by Roger Dickey.

(c) John Hunt - Siskin
(c) Mark Elsoffer - Oli Working Hard
(c) Mark Elsoffer - Oli Working Hard
(c) Mark Elsoffer - Oli Working Hard
(c) Mark Elsoffer - Oli Working Hard

Saturday 17th February

Dave Baker reported 45 Lapwing, a Little Egret, a Snipe, a Water Rail, 10 Gadwall, 12 Tufted Duck, 50 Wigeon, a Pochard, 25 Teal, 30+ Siskin, 60 Meadow Pipit, a Red Kite, a Raven (outside), 2 Kestrel, 2 Sparrowhawk, 8 Buzzard and a Goshawk (outside) this morning.

Raven is the 79th species of bird recorded in 2018.

Goshawk is the 80th species of bird recorded in 2018.

(c) Anthony George - Blue Tit
(c) Anthony George - Kestrel
(c) Anthony George - Little Egret
(c) Anthony George - Wren

Sunday 18th February

John Hunt reported a Common Sandpiper, a Green Sandpiper, a Water Rail, a Little Egret, a Scaup, 9 Teal, 2 Pochard, 13 Gadwall, 33 Wigeon and 2 Stonechat this morning.

In addition, Murray Nurse reported a Blackcap and 2 Shoveler this morning.

Note: There has been some debate about the identity of the Scaup. It has provisionally been accepted by the Tice's Meadow Records Committee, pending acceptance by the Surrey Bird Club Records Committee.

This is only the 2nd recorded sighting of Scaup on site.

Scaup is the 81st species of bird recorded in 2018.

(c) John Hunt - Scaup
(c) John Hunt - Scaup
(c) John Hunt - Scaup
(c) John Hunt - Scaup
(c) John Hunt - Water Rail
(c) John Hunt - Siskin
(c) John Hunt - Teal

Monday 19th February

No reports.

Tuesday 20th February

No reports.

Wednesday 21st February

Peter Brown reported 60 Lapwing, a Little Egret, 12 Gadwall, 6 Shoveler, 5 Tufted Duck, 230+ Black-headed Gull, a Bullfinch, 2 Red Kite and a Buzzard this afternoon.

(c) Corrine Edwards - Canada Geese
(c) Jort Brough - Stonechat

Thursday 22nd February

Steve Minhinnick reported a Hawfinch this afternoon.

This is only the 2nd recorded sighting of Hawfinch on site.

Hawfinch is the 82nd species of bird recorded in 2018.

3 volunteers spent the day picking up our new benches and waymarker posts from Norbury Park Sawmill. They then moved the new tern raft to Len's Yard, ready for Saturday's work party.

(c) Steve Minhinnick - Blackbird
(c) Steve Minhinnick - Chaffinch
(c) Steve Minhinnick - Chaffinch
(c) Steve Minhinnick - Collared Dove
(c) Steve Minhinnick - Greenfinches
(c) Steve Minhinnick - Siskin
(c) Steve Minhinnick - Grey Squirrel
(c) Mark Elsoffer - The Tice's Wagon Collecting the Benches
(c) Mark Elsoffer - Our New Benches & Waymarker Posts
(c) Mark Elsoffer - The New Tern Raft

Friday 23rd February

No reports.

Saturday 24th February

Mark Elsoffer reported 30 Lapwing, 3 Snipe, 24 Gadwall, 30 Wigeon, 16 Tufted Duck, 28 Teal, 6 Pochard, 30+ Siskin, 4 Bullfinch, 2 Red Kite and a Buzzard today.

10 volunteers met on site today and move the new tern raft from Len's Yard to the water's edge. Gravel was added, and it was floated into a temporary position. The old beached tern raft was then refurbished, fresh gravel and chick refuges added, before it too was refloated. The BVCP rangers will be visiting soon to tow the rafts out into deeper water and anchor them in place.

(c) Anthony George - Chaffinch
(c) Anthony George - Collared Dove
(c) Anthony George - Goldcrest
(c) Anthony George - Green Woodpecker
(c) Anthony George - Greenfinches
(c) Anthony George - Long-tailed Tit
(c) Anthony George - Siskin
(c) Anthony George - Siskin
(c) Steve Minhinnick - Goldcrest
(c) Steve Minhinnick - Greenfinch
(c) Steve Minhinnick - Long-tailed Tit
(c) Steve Minhinnick - Siskin
(c) Mark Elsoffer - Volunteers Move The New Tern Raft
(c) Mark Elsoffer - Volunteers Move The New Tern Raft
(c) Mark Elsoffer - Launching The New Tern Raft
(c) Mark Elsoffer - Volunteers Refurbish The Old Tern Raft
(c) Mark Elsoffer - New Tern Chick Shelters
(c) Mark Elsoffer - The Refurbished Old Tern Raft
(c) Mark Elsoffer - Launching The Refurbished Old Tern Raft

Sunday 25th February

John Hunt reported a Common Sandpiper and a (probable) Scaup this morning.

(c) John Hunt - Scaup
(c) John Hunt - Stonechat
(c) John Hunt - Stonechat
(c) Kevin Martin - Collared Dove
(c) Kevin Martin - Greenfinches
(c) Kevin Martin - Long-tailed Tits
(c) Kevin Martin - Siskin
(c) Kevin Martin - Song Thrush

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