Tice's Meadow 2019 BioBlitz Review
Our 5th annual BioBlitz was held over the recent Bank Holiday weekend, where we welcomed around 200 visitors to site to enjoy the nature reserve and learn about the wildlife on their doorstep.
Thursday May 2nd was set-up day. Thanks to our team of volunteers, the marquees and tents went up smoothly, and the ringing team began ringing birds in the woods and reed beds. The days sightings included: Black-tailed Godwit, Brent Goose, 2 Whinchat, 2 Yellow Wagtail & 40+ Swift.
(c) Mark Elsoffer - BioBlitz HQ |
Friday May 3rd saw a day of informal bird watching, socialising and catching up with old and new friends. We were also delighted to host 100 pupils and staff from Badshot Lea Village Infants School for the afternoon, where they enjoyed a tour around site and the bird ringing demo.
(c) Mark Elsoffer - School Pupils Watching Bird Ringing |
(c) Mark Elsoffer - School Pupils in the Marquee |
(c) Mark Elsoffer - School Pupils on Horton's Mound |
The days sightings included: Whinchat, Lesser Whitethroat, Black-tailed Godwit, 6+ Yellow Wagtail, 3 Hobby, Brent Goose, Common Sandpiper & 50+ Swifts.
(c) Richard Seargent - Whinchat |
(c) Dina Burford - Lesser Whitethroat |
Saturday May 4th saw a host of activities on site enjoyed by a steady stream of visitors. The bird ringing proved popular as always. There were guided small mammal trapping, amphibians & reptiles, bat and bird walks, as well as a pond dipping session and a children's Hungry Caterpillar activity.
(c) Mark Elsoffer - Amphibians & Reptiles Walk |
(c) Simon Monk - Wood Mouse |
(c) BVCT - Small Mammal Trapping |
Abi Jacob's skull and wing collection made for a fascinating exhibit, and includes birds and mammals found on site.
(c) Abi Jacobs - Abi's Skull & Wing Collection |
The days sightings included: 2 Cranes, Black Tern, Black-tailed Godwit, Dunlin, 2 Common Sandpiper,
Brent Goose, Raven, Peregrine, 3+ Hobby, Yellow Wagtail, 2 Mediterranean
Gulls, 200+ House Martins, c100 Sand Martins and c100 Swifts.
(c) Kev Campbell - Swift |
(c) Kev Campbell - Common Whitethroat |
Sunday May 5th saw more bird ringing and another well attended bird watching walk. A dozen members of the Surbiton & District Bird Watching Society also enjoyed a tour of the site.
(c) Mark Elsoffer - Bird Ringing Demo |
The days sightings included: Whinchat, Brent Goose, Common Sandpiper, 2 Dunlin, Black-tailed Godwit, Mediterranean Gull & Yellow Wagtail.
(c) Dina Burford - Volunteers Fit the Swift Caller |
(c) Mark Elsoffer - Visitors on Horton's Mound |
Once again, our BioBlitz was held in conjunction with the Mineral Products Associations
Quarrywatch initiative. Launched in 2017, with our BioBlitz as an inspiration, Quarrywatch aims to document the wildlife colonising restored quarries in the UK. We are happy to help the mineral products industry showcase their contribution to biodiversity.
(c) Mark Elsoffer - Quarrywatch Display |
87 species of bird were recorded during the BioBlitz, including our 2nd ever Common Cranes. Other highlights include a Brent Goose, Black Tern, Black-tailed Godwit, 2 Dunlin, 2 Whinchat and a number of Hobbies and Yellow Wagtails.
(c) Mark Elsoffer - The Final Bird List |
111 birds of 20 different species were ringed during the BioBlitz, plus 31 re-traps. Ringing highlights included the first Whinchat ringed on site, a Lesser Whitethroat and a Reed Warbler returning to site for the fourth year (having been caught each year).
(c) Badshot Lea Village Infants School - Roger Enthralls the Children |
29 Barn Owl pellets from site were dissected, containing 23 Field Voles, 3 Wood Mice, 4 Shrew species and 1 Brown Rat. 7 Kestrel pellets from site were dissected, containing 2 Field Voles.
Moth trapping was difficult due to poor weather conditions. The following moths were trapped:
Nut-tree Tussock, Brimstone, Common Wave, Red-brindled Dwarf, Southern Midget, Muslin, Pale Prominent, Hebrew Character, Double-striped Pug, Powdered Quaker, Brindled Beauty & Brindled Pug.
(c) Richard Seargent - Muslin |
7 species of butterfly were recorded during the BioBlitz: Orange Tip, Peacock, Brimstone, Holly Blue, Small Tortoiseshell, Meadow Brown (first for the year) & Speckled Wood.
7 species of mammal were recorded during the BioBlitz: Fox, Grey Squirrel, Brown Rat, Roe Deer, Wood Mouse, Bank Vole & Soprano Pipistrelle.
3 species of odonata were recorded during the BioBlitz: Large Red Damselfly, Banded Demoiselle (first for the year) & Azure Damselfly (first for the year).
4 species of amphibians and reptiles were recorded during the BioBlitz: Common Frog, Common Toad, Slow Worm & Grass Snake.
(c) Simon Monk - Slow Worm |
7 new species for the site were identified during the BioBlitz (more may be identified at a late date):
- A Rust Fungus (Puccinia urticata) - Carey Lodge.
- Corn Spurry (Spergula arvensis) - Sean Foote & Abi Jacobs.
- Beaked Hawk's-beard (Crepis vesicaria) - Carey Lodge.
- Raft Spider (Dolomedes fimbriatus) - Sean Foote & Abi Jacobs.
- Southern Midget (Phyllonorycter dubitella) - Sean Foote & Abi Jacobs.
- A Leaf Beetle (Donacia simplex) - Sean Foote & Abi Jacobs.
- Brindled Beauty (Lycia hirtaria) - Dave Baker.
These new additions take the site's pan species list to 1,265.
(c) Carey Lodge - Corn Spurry |
(c) Carey Lodge - Puccinia urticata |
(c) Sean Foote - Raft Spider |
Thank You
The Tice's Meadow Bird Group are grateful for the support of the following individuals and organisations for suppporting our BioBlitz:
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