
Wednesday, 26 June 2019

Sunday June 9th to Tuesday June 25th

Site Sale

As revealed in the local press, Tice's Meadow is for sale. We've been advised to not say anything beyond this statement for now.

School Nest Boxes

We were delighted to hear from Bella who sent us this photo of the young birds in her nest box - one of 100 we built and donated to the pupils of Badshot Lea Village Infants School.

(c) Bella - Inside Her Nest Box

Dragonfly Surveys

We're after a volunteer to undertake regular dragonfly & damselfly surveys on site. You would need to walk a set route on site, once a month between May & September (so 5 times a year), and count all the dragonflies & damselflies you see.

The records would then be fed into the British Dragonfly Society's database, and used to monitor the habitats on site, and hopefully improve them.

You don't need to be a dragonfly expert, just able to identify the species on site. If you're interested, please let us know.

Sunday June 9th

John Hunt reported fledgling Linnets being fed on site - possibly the first confirmed record of breeding.

Susan Renaud found 2 new species for the site:
  • A Fungus Weevil - Platystomos albinus 
  • A Hoverfly - Chrysotoxum cautum
We were delighted to be part of the Hampton Estate Farm Open Day today. 1,000 visitors enjoyed a wide variety of exhibits & activities, & were keen to learn about Tice's Meadow & the community lead conservation work we do on site. A great day as part of LEAF's Open Farm Sunday.

(c) Simon Monk - Dunnock
(c) Susan Renaud - Tree Bumblebee Nest
(c) Susan Renaud - Golden-bloomed Longhorn Beetle
(c) Susan Renaud - Platystomos albinus
(c) Susan Renaud - Swan Family
(c) Andy Glencross - Grass Snake
(c) Andy Glencross - Common Lizard
(c) Andy Glencross - Slow Worm
(c) Colin Varndell - Hampton Estate Open Farm Day
(c) Hampton Estate - The Tice's Team

Monday June 10th

No reports.

Tuesday June 11th

Dina Burford found a new species for the site: Brassica Bug - Eurydema oleracea

(c) M4rk444 - Common Lizard
(c) M4rk444 - Common Lizard
(c) Dina Burford - Brassica Bugs (and slug)

Wednesday June 12th

No reports.

Thursday June 13th

Peter Brown: Pochard, 12 Gadwall & 100+ Swift.

Friday June 14th

Mark Elsoffer: Little Egret & 2 Egyptian Geese with 5 young.

M4rk444 reported 6 common lizards, 3 slow worms & 2 grass snakes.

(c) M4rk444 - Common Lizard
(c) M4rk444 - Common Lizard
(c) Dina Burford - Swollen-thighed Beetle
(c) Dina Burford - Egyptian Geese Family

Saturday June 15th

Peter Brown: Oystercatcher & Curlew.

This is only the 24th recorded sighting of Curlew on site, but the 2nd in the past 16 days.

We had the pleasure of attending the St George's Church Fete in Badshot Lea today. It was great to meet so many of the villagers, and to hear how they all intend to help us fight to ensure the future of their community's nature reserve.

(c) Mark Elsoffer - Our Stall at the Fete

Sunday June 16th

No reports.

Monday June 17th

We had the pleasure of leading a group of 8 from Ashtead U3A Bird Watching Group around the site this afternoon.

Tuesday June 18th

We had the pleasure of leading a group of 17 cub scouts from 4th Farnham (Tongham) Scouts around site this evening.

(c) Jort Brough - Aldershot's Legendary Snake Charmer
(c) Jort Brough - Cubs in the Shelter

Wednesday June 19th

John Birkett reported a brood of 5 Tufted Duck today.

A single pair of Tufted Ducks first bred on site in 2014, and again in 2017, whilst 2018 saw 4 pairs breeding.

Members of the RSPB Croydon Local Group enjoyed a vist to site today.

(c) Shaun Ferguson - South African Birders Flock to Tice's
(c) Murray Nurse - 7 Spot Ladybird Larva
(c) Murray Nurse - Harlequin Ladybird Larva

Thursday June 20th

(c) Murray Nurse - Female Beautiful Demoiselle
(c) Murray Nurse - Male Beautiful Demoiselle
(c) Murray Nurse - Field Poppies

Friday June 21st

Mark Elsoffer: Juvenile Grey Wagtail & a brood of 4 Tufted Duck.

We surveyed and marked out the foundations for the forthcoming Hanson's Hide this evening. Thanks to Anthony George and P.C. Landscapes for their assistance.

(c) Dina Burford - Grey Heron
(c) Dina Burford - Large Red Damselfly
(c) Dina Burford - Sticklebacks
(c) Mark Elsoffer - The Site of Hanson's Hide

Saturday June 22nd

15 volunteers turned up for our work party this morning. First off we built a stumpery - a stag beetle "hotel" - which provide suitable habitat for them to lay their eggs in, and for their grubs to feed on. This stumpery (our third on site) is part of a network of stumperies across the Blackwater Valley, part of an initiative run by the BVCT:

(c) Mark Elsoffer - Volunteers at Work
(c) Mark Elsoffer - Volunteers at Work
(c) Mark Elsoffer - The Finished Stumpery

Sunday June 23rd 

No reports.

Monday June 24th

Mike Huddie: Probable Spotted Redshank.

Should this record be accepted, this would only be the third recorded sighting of Spotted Redshank on site, following two records in 2013.

Tuesday June 25th

Peter Brown: 3 Painted Ladies.

(c) Peter Brown - Painted Lady
(c) Dina Burford - Painted Lady

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