
Sunday, 19 April 2020

Monday April 13th to Sunday April 19th

2018 Annual Report

Our 2018 Annual Report is now on sale. £15 for a full colour, glossy, 140 page A4 report. All profits will be spent on our work at Tice's Meadow Nature Reserve.

The report is much more than a list of the birds seen, it includes all of the site's wildlife, and is a record of all the work we did on site in 2018.

You can collect in person from Richard Horton, or we can post it to you (+ £2 p&p). Please message or email us to place an order.

Once we've sold all 60 copies, we will release a free lower-res pdf for all to read.

Co-op Local Community Fund

We're delighted to be taking part in the Co-op Local Community Fund. If you're a Co-op member, please choose us as and 1% of your spending will be donated to us, no matter where you live. If you're not a Co-op member, please consider signing up.

Monday April 13th

Richard Seargent: Great Black-backed Gull (3rd wtr) & 2 House Martin.

Richard Horton: 2 Swallow, 10 Sand Martin, Sedge Warbler & 3 Whitethroat.

House Martin is the 102nd bird species recorded in 2020.

Late news of a Curlew yesterday (RH).

Once again, breakfast was brought to the waiting female Kestrel this morning. Though for the first time, she ate it in the box. Lunch was also eaten in the box.

(c) Dina Burford - View from Lisa's Bench

Tuesday April 14th

Richard Seargent: 5 Common Tern & Whitethroat.

Dina Burford: 2 Little Grebe.

The female Kestrel spent most of the morning in the nest box calling to the male and rubbing in the sawdust (making a nest?). 3 prey items were brought back later in the day. 1 taken in the box, 1 on the perch & 1 outside.

(c) Dina Burford - Greenfinches
(c) Dina Burford - Common Terns
(c) Gary Watton - Greenfinch
(c) Gary Watton - Jay
(c) Gary Watton - Roe Deer

Wednesday April 15th

Thanks to Oli, our Swift Tower is now un-baffled and playing recorded Swift calls morning & evening.

The male Kestrel brought 3 meals to the box today for his mate.

(c) Dina Burford - Chiffchaff

Thursday April 16th

Richard Horton: Shelduck & Wheatear.

Chris Jackman: Swift.

Swift is the 103rd bird species recorded in 2020. First in Surrey in 2020, and new earliest record for site by 1 day.

Shelduck is the 104th bird species recorded in 2020.

Breakfast was delivered to the female again this morning as she spent over 3 hours in the nest box.

(c) Kyle Russell - Aerial View of Site
(c) Sharon Moore - Speckled Wood
(c) Dina Burford - Mallard Family

(c) Steve Guthrie - Mallard Family
(c) Steve Guthrie - Dunnock
(c) Steve Guthrie - Frog
(c) Steve Guthrie - Red Kite

Friday April 17th

Richard Horton: Arctic Skua (dark morph, harassing gulls over the Workings for 10 minutes @ 11:45 before flying east).

First recorded sighting of Arctic Skua on site. 195th bird species recorded on site. 105th bird species recorded in 2020.

3 Kestrel food passes recorded today, and the female is finally roosting in the nest box for the first time!

(c) Dina Burford - Greylag Goose
(c) Dina Burford - Flooded Meadow

Saturday April 18th

Dave Baker: Little Gull, 2 Reed Warbler, 2 Sedge Warbler, Wheatear, 3 Whitethroat, 2 Yellow Wagtail, c100 mixed hirundines & Swift.

Dina Burford: Great Crested Grebe & 2 Common Tern.

18th site record of Little Gull, 2nd this year.

Reed Warbler is the 106th bird species recorded in 2020.

Yellow Wagtail is the 107th bird species recorded in 2020.

3 prey items brought back by the male Kestrel today, although only 1 taken on camera. No roosting in the box tonight.

(c) Dina Burford - Common Terns & Blackheaded Gull
(c) Dina Burford - Flooded Hide
(c) Colin Harvey - Dunnock
(c) Colin Harvey - Goldfinches

Sunday April 19th

The female Kestrel roosted in the nest box again this evening.

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