
Sunday, 12 April 2020

Sunday April 5th to Sunday April 12th

2018 Annual Report

Our 2018 Annual Report is now on sale. £15 for a full colour, glossy, 140 page A4 report. All profits will be spent on our work at Tice's Meadow Nature Reserve.

The report is much more than a list of the birds seen, it includes all of the site's wildlife, and is a record of all the work we did on site in 2018.

You can collect in person from Richard Horton, or we can post it to you (+ £2 p&p). Please message or email us to place an order.

Once we've sold all 60 copies, we will release a free lower-res pdf for all to read.

Co-op Local Community Fund

We're delighted to be taking part in the Co-op Local Community Fund. If you're a Co-op member, please choose us as and 1% of your spending will be donated to us, no matter where you live. If you're not a Co-op member, please consider signing up.

Anti-Social Behaviour

We're so grateful to Surrey and Hampshire police for patrolling Tice's Meadow this week. We appreciate their help in controlling anti-social behaviour, and social distancing breaches, on site. Please continue to report any anti-social behaviour or crime on 101 (999 if urgent).

Sunday April 5th

Richard Horton: Common Tern & Willow Warbler.

Dina Burford: 3 Great Crested Grebe & Pheasant.

Common Tern is the 96th bird species recorded in 2020.

Willow Warbler is the 97th bird species recorded in 2020.

One Kestrel food pass recorded in the nest box today.

(c) Anthony George - Chiffchaff
(c) Anthony George - Reed Bunting
(c) Anthony George - Stock Doves
(c) Andy Glencross - Grass Snake
(c) Andy Glencross - Slow Worm
(c) Dina Burford - Comma
(c) Dina Burford - Greenfinch

Monday April 6th

Dina Burford: 2 Great Crested Grebe (displaying pair) & Mallard with 8 young in Workings.

Steve Guthrie: Pheasant.

Our male Barn Owl is working hard to make sure his mate’s every need is catered for.

(c) Dina Burford - Blackbird
(c) Dina Burford - Jay
(c) Steve Guthrie - Buzzard
(c) Steve Guthrie - Greylag Goose
(c) Steve Guthrie - Pheasant
(c) Steve Guthrie - Reed Bunting
(c) Steve Guthrie - Starling

Tuesday April 7th

Jacko: Pheasant and possible White Stork (presumed reintroduction).

Dina Burford: 3 Great Crested Grebe, 2 Little Grebe, 2 Common Tern & Mallard with 8 young in Workings.

The possible White Stork was described as "Saw a bird i haven’t seen before. It was a bit like a heron but black and white rather than grey. It was flying out from the shallows nearest the kiln and then went across the water".

Two more Kestrel food passes today, and the female is spending more time in the nest box.

(c) Jacko - Grass Snake
(c) Dina Burford - Common Tern
(c) Dina Burford - View from Horton's Mound

Wednesday April 8th

Leonard Winchcombe: Common Sandpiper.

Richard Horton: Curlew & 3 Mediterranean Gull.

Richard Seargent: Garden Warbler.

Dina Burford: 2 Common Tern, Mallard with 10 young in the River & Mallard with 7 young in Workings.

Common Sandpiper is the 98th bird species recorded in 2020. First Surrey record of spring 2020.

Garden Warbler is the 99th bird species recorded in 2020.

The resident pair of Mute Swans have begun nesting in the Reed Beds.

Change of tactics for the male kestrel this morning. She’s going to have to work for breakfast today.
The food passes recorded.

(c) Dina Burford - Mallard Family

Thursday April 9th

Richard Horton: Curlew.

Dina Burford: 2 Great Crested Grebe & 2 Common Tern.

(c) Karen Soley - Grass Snake
(c) Karen Soley - Slow Worm
(c) Dina Burford - Great Crested Grebes

Friday April 10th

Richard Horton: 13 Mediterranean Gull.

Simon Monk: 2 Common Tern.

Dina Burford: Mallard with 7 young in the Workings.

Just one food pass for our Kestrels today, after none yesterday. Our recordings now have sound, so make sure to turn your speakers up.

(c) Simon Monk - Common Tern
(c) Dina Burford - Mallard Family
(c) Dina Burford - Stonechat

Saturday April 11th

Dave Baker: 8 Great Crested Grebe, Mediterranean Gull (2nd summer), 4 Common Tern & 2 Sedge Warbler.

Sedge Warbler is the 100th bird species recorded in 2020.

Our male Barn Owl is doing a great job keeping the female fed - at least 2 prey items last night.

Just the one early morning food pass for our Kestrels today, although interestingly the female was first in the box today and spent most of the morning there.

(c) Dina Burford - Gulls & Terns
(c) Kelly Wright - Red Kite with Prey

(c) Simon Monk - Dunnock

Sunday April 12th

Leonard Winchcombe: Whitethroat.

Dina Burford: Mallard with 9 young (3rd brood recorded in 2020).

Whitethroat is the 101st bird species recorded in 2020.

Dina Burford found a new species for site: Ashy Mining Bee (Andrena cineraria). Species # 1,381.

For the first time, the female Kestrel was waiting in the box when the male brought breakfast this morning. He brought back 2 further prey items, but she didn't appear for those.

A flock of beautiful origami birds appeared on site this morning, possibly on migration from Japan.

(c) Dina Burford & Simon Monk - Origami birds
(c) Simon Monk - Dunnock
(c) Simon Monk - Greenfinch
(c) Simon Monk - Robin
(c) Dina Burford - Ashy Mining Bee
(c) Dina Burford - Starling
(c) Jacko - Toad

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