
Saturday, 2 January 2021

2020 - A Quick Review

149 bird species were recorded on site in 2020. The joint second highest annual total, with 6 new species for site: Arctic Skua, Black-winged Stilt, Glossy Ibis, Little Bunting, Long-eared Owl & Marsh Tit.
The site list now stands at 200 species.

We recorded 19 species of wader on site in 2020, of the 30 species ever recorded on site. A couple of surprising omissions, but definitely a #waderfest autumn passage.


26 species of butterfly were recorded on site in 2020, including 2 new for site: Brown Hairstreak & Large Tortoiseshell.
We also had a Glanville Fritillary of dubious origin.
Our butterfly list now stands at 30 species.

A record 23 species of Odonata (dragonflies & damselflies) were recorded on site in 2020, including 3 new for site: Downy Emerald, Lesser Emperor & Scarce Chaser.
Our Odonata list now stands at 26 species.
As recently as 2004, you would struggle to find a dragonfly on site!



161 new species of wildlife were recorded on site in 2020, taking our site pan-species list to 1,539.
Big thanks to Sean Foote & Abi Jacobs (67), and Dina Burford (57) for all their hard work in finding and identifying new species.



Despite no public work parties since March, due to both COVID & the sale, we still did 2,303 volunteer hours in 2020. Using Heritage Lottery calcs, this equates to a value of £24,075 - dwarfing any spend by other stakeholders. 
Happy New Year to our wonderful volunteers!


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