
Friday, 15 January 2021

Your Fund Surrey


Dear Supporters,

Firstly, thank you once again for signing our petition – we have almost 11,000 signatures now! We know that the petition is keeping the sale of the site in the public eye, so please continue to share it with your friends and family.

We have registered with Surrey County Council's Your Fund Surrey scheme for a grant of between £250,000 and £1,000,000. If successful, we will use the funds to purchase Tice's Meadow Nature Reserve and place it in trust (or similar) for the benefit of the local community.

A detailed business case has to be submitted in February. In the meantime, we are asking all of our supporters to show their support by doing the following:

1. Click the below link:

2. Click the purple “like” button.
3. Enter your email address and click the “next” button.
4. Answer the personal questions, or leave them blank. Click “next”.
5. Answer the “stay informed” questions with yes/no.
6. Click the purple “finish” button.
7. Open the email from “Commonplace” (check your spam folder if not in your inbox) and click “confirm agreement”.

Please do register your support, and ask all of your friends and family to sign up too. Surrey County Council will be using public support as one metric when deciding on which projects to fund, so every vote counts.

Thank you for your continued support of Tice's Meadow Nature Reserve.


The Tice's Meadow Bird Group

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