
Friday, 31 December 2021

2021 - A Quick Review

2021 -  A Quick Review


146 bird species were recorded on site in 2021 - slightly down on the past two years, but above the ten year average.

For the first time in recent memory no new bird species for site were recorded this year - the site list remains at 201 species.

We recorded 21 species of wading bird in 2021, of the 30 ever recorded on site. Another #waderfest at Tice's Meadow.

55 bird species bred on site in 2021, including 7 UK Biodiversity Action Plan species, 6 Red List species, 18 Amber List species, and 1 Schedule 1 species.

Breeding highlights included the Barn Owls and Kestrels at the Kiln, at least three pairs of Tufted Duck, at least three pairs of Great Crested Grebe, two pairs of Little Grebe, and the first Swifts to breed in our Swift Tower.


27 butterfly species were recorded on site in 2021, including two new species for site: White Admiral and Purple Hairstreak. This is a new record annual count. Our butterfly list now stands at 32 species.

Brown Hairstreaks were confirmed to be breeding on site for the first time this year, following the first adults being recorded in 2020.


22 odonata (dragonfly & damselfly) species were recorded on site this year - a new record annual count. Highlights included breeding Lesser Emperor and Scarce Chaser, and confirmed records of Keeled Skimmer and Hairy Dragonfly. Our odonata list stands at 26 species.


121 new species for site were identified in 2021, taking our pan-species list to 1,670 species.

Community Engagement

Despite COVID-19 once again curtailing our community engagement activities, we still managed to lead 20 walks around site, for approximately 260 members of the public. We also hosted events on site for approximately 70 members of the public.

Volunteer Work

Despite COVID-19 once again curtailing our public volunteer work parties, we still managed to contribute 2,941 volunteer hours in 2021. 

Using Heritage Lottery calculations, this equates to a value of £26,885 - again, dwarfing the financial committments of all the other site stakeholders.

A huge thank you to all of our wonderful volunteers.

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