
Saturday, 16 March 2024

McDonald's Update

As you may have seen in the local press, McDonald's have amended their planning application for a 24/7 drive-through restaurant adjacent to the Tongham service station, and completely within the Tice's Meadow and Tongham Ponds Site of Nature Conservation Interest.

Farnham Herald:

Guildford Dragon:

McDonald's have only made minor changes to the planning application, none of which satisfactorily address the 16 reasons for objection that we raised when the application was first submitted. They have attempted, and failed, to address concerns over inappropriate development in the countryside, visual impact, and loss of green space. They have completely failed to address any concerns relating to biodiversity and harm to the SNCI, and nationally important species and habitats found within it.

Their revised application confirms that:

- The proposed restaurant will reduce the gap between Tongham/Ash Urban Area and Aldershot to 86m (from the 217m in the Guildford Borough Council Local Plan).

- The proposed restaurant will be visible from c65% of Tice's Meadow Nature Reserve, and from homes in Badshot Lea and Weybourne, over 1km away. 

Our full response to their revised planning application:!AuC9nX__kWIgnl-jvuxtH9uG5DxA?e=5Eje5Q

Our original response:!AuC9nX__kWIgnAjTNhjvmOJEYGS8?e=QCXglg

Please do share and sign our petition:

And please do submit a formal objection to Guildford Borough Council - the deadline has been extended until 19th March:

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