

We are very greatful to the following organisations who have supported our work at Tice's Meadow Nature Reserve.

Thank you for paying towards the cost of printing our annual reports, paying for the planning permission for our shelter and buying us a new cover for our marquee.

Blackwater Valley Countryside Partnership
Thank you for providing tools, equipment, logistics and ranger support for our work parties.

Blackwater Valley Countryside Trust
Thank you for helping us publicise our work on site, providing advice on our Swifts and Bats projects, and for chosing to site Clive's Bench on site.

Surrey County Council
Thank you for providing 30+ eager volunteers from your staff for a corporate work party.

PC Landscapes
Thank you for lending us your Avant (and Anthony George) so we could complete work on site in a much faster and safer way.

Advanced Tree Services
Thank you for supplying us with lorry loads of wood chippings to cover our footpaths with, and logs for our camp fires.

Hire Services (Southern) Ltd
Thank you for loaning us a rotavator for use on the Bell's Piece Wildflower Meadow.

Squires Garden Centre (Badshot Lea)
Thank you for donating all of your old vivariums for use on site.

Greggs Foundation
Thank you for your generous grant towards the cost of our shelter.

Aviva Community Fund
Thank you for your generous grants towards the cost of our shelter and helping us save our reed beds.

Surrey Bird Club
Thank you for providing us with your expert ornithological advice, and for sponsoring the portaloo at our BioBlitzes.

Scottish & Southern Electric
Thank you for donating the used telegraph poles for use on site.

Farnham Weyside Rotary Club
Thank you for organising a sponsored bird race day at Farlington Marshes, and your generous donations.

Army Ornithological Society
Thank you to all the members of the AOS who have supported us by ringing birds on site, provided us with advice and supported our activities.

Royal Navy Bird Watching Society
Thank you to all the members of the RNBWS who have supported us by ringing birds on site, provided us with advice and supported our activities.


  1. Would it be feasible to get the RSPB or another wildlife trust to buy Tices Meadow?
